aullablo fur llttltt IURNITURH and Carpets. I 1. snot cattb. Phono J3018, I Carpet 1 GENERAL, SOCIAL Science Forum, MISCELLANEOUS. "(Continued.) "OLD GOLD We give the highest prices for Old Gold, Jewellery, If you cannot onlt send by regitjrd post for our free valuation.
WE AVIS NO AGHNTS. 'llna-pl. Sunday, 7.45 p.m., (Jllli'lui'oprn-if KtmnlHh Weuk. nua ken. Vance Pal llna-ol.
Sunday. 7.45 of Bpanlsh Week. Speakers, QUEEN6CLIFF. (Continued.) HEALE8VILLE DISTRICT. (Continued.
lowest InR in ABBlovu, modern. State name. lOTTAGE, small, tor 2. Croydon or Warran- i RKENHILIS. right among iern mar, o.
Bharpley, Joyce warren. JIIrlce lnjc UW598. DANDENONQ RANGES. HA VBWATEH. Waldhelm Farm Oueat Home, K'kkI acc.
oxu. table, inllk and L-raam. nionunir. ufternoon tua and tiUDUer. TOST.
Ascot Vale, Coat and Veat. with watch and chain, engraved D. W. Thomson, 1922, cheque book and hank book, wallet, papurs. Reward.
D. W. Thomson, oyie, lorinijEnii now, vivnu. vuV. own farm produce JI All aiiiuaviiioiii-, m'y All amuietnenti pur urnni.n niTiKWNii' fe nmi at ion.
a n.m 1AH Stow, green, new uuuuroia rront uni, tn-iilicht. ttnaakr. J. J. Slmimon.
"Why ju r. Mijt i "orehr. tennia. ljURNTSnEDH6uae Warburton Jlne. every comfort, flailing, shooting, vacant tight ifiOi.
"Silver" Ac. Katttce and rldint; hat-kit. Mrs. Buach. 62, for couple, mod.j also couple want F.B.R.
and kltchim. The Mad World 1 Uuuitlous ilunry George Tel. 158 or C. 5354. Mra Kellor.
IVLEATHKR CAHli, containing hand bags! aca. Kaster. Pty. dwellers, 148 Ellxaheth-at. Hour- w.
C.l. Excellent Accommodation, Delightful Appoint-menta, Splendid Catering. Every Luxury and Courteous Attention, POPULAR ROOM-ONLY TARIFF. Blimleu. 4 to 7t; Doubles, 8 lo 18.
AUSTRALIA'S LARGEST NON-L1C. HOTEL, WiU8 Dept. AOSU fur Free lllus. Boottlct. Elliot.
Moauoe 1'unun, ipvTTriot. Central, excel 1 Mrs. Ctirlatenseu. nftAMOPHONW, portable, and Records wanted; munt be cheap. Htuto make and hp Ice.
ft Jni-kHiin. 117 city. NQLKNOOK for menu; 3iATi pair glasses, private papers, ueys, c. GOOD nKWARD. rtliiff FootBcrdv.
475. jSURNIS'HfcffHouscs available, along sea 1 sewersd. lelephono, 0, HIU GARDEN SUPPLIES. Iiuuriftiuu.
cnniguie tor reiiiui nuiiaayaj excellent menu, aft. lea. farm produce, tennis, ballroom; j76 4 days Eaater. MOlW JoyT K. U.
Juevee. Katorama, 1. 1 dU. wireless, plauo. cream, poultry; 35.
Book now for Kaafer. Mrs. Lamm Inn. Mon- ROSEBUD. ul Hlndhooe xtnnrllullru XUNS.
Rules, secondhand! highest "prices Ofmnnd and Warfnamooolj NKW Oraceburn Glen, central poauion, C. Vvaier, tennia. riding awuwnuig. PTY, LTD. TiURNlSTreDXoltaRe, accom, 5, Evatil A Balfour, 269 Lit.
Colliui- a civon. Emtlor. turn. Biinundiwa. use Anln.
na mnlinloHt. mini rlllU. diamond 1: dyte, vacant weekly or weea enoa. vena. lOOO: LttiiiiB.
Celerv. Savov. B. Soroilta. AU-II).
taSWSf hall, tennis; 20 p. wk. Rotebud 5. riT'TnoViTELb' fur Idfarholldny. tinliTTn.
ring and driving liceucn Reward, 25 Ulenj A sural anil. Best Ueacn on the bulk. MELBOURNE PALACE. liards. U.W.a., gar.
41. Or 0M. GUNS and .22 Rlflea, secondhand, for cash. J. Mues Ply.
191-3 Latrobe-aU, 1I1KM IVtlnoa HcalCHVlllfl. R. Beet, Leeks, Popplva, Hilvcrnkln 6d. 100, G. F.
Couleo, ,308 Deudy-st Brluhton. Add freight. me urmonn. 216 BOURKIS-STREET, 289 Melbourne (Next Old Royal Bank.) Fum. Flats and Bungalows, mimic, lounge rooms sewered, all 11 4 B.H., L.
every delightful c. l. cent, 7iWB. TOBT, bel. M.C.G.
and Richmond R.B., ttma mrmPV. hnnk hook. AO. poSTtion, caijy poy. 1ABBAGE.
Cauliflower, Sprouts. Celery, 10 aouits. cniiurcn half per week; trom fvuru- DAYLESFORD. A A.A.A. RydalK Plata, Central Springs, rV OCW. I. PW HFIll IB AND Made Crochet Work wanted, for re I sale. O.IMJM.Melb. Reward, Mra. 'Anderson, 19 Mal per iuoo L.eeK riants, luuu.
u. aryza per lamny per weeK. nofleoua i. iicnieovnic, Ice chest, lovely posi nancing, nmiiK vrrt" Foster. 578 Pt.
Br shton. vern, bath, linen and cUllerv; from 15. Tel. 144. JIRKDALE House, overlooking Bay.
urn. Flat. Buncalow. few vacs. Kan tor.
W. tion verv conv. Haw. 4757. jpELERYSeed, green.
atraln: 40 per 1 roni nt return. H. C. Nolan, 527 iold Foiintalh Pen, bclween cam A A. ATTownvlew, homely, good' WANTED TO BUY.
in. t.accy. r.yeiyn-Bt,, ueiuiciij. lUOIIIIlB-Hl. 41.
I BURNISHED Housea, mod. rents. N. Cayser, 1 Point Lonxdale. J.
Blender, LJTIIATHAIHMK, miif. poultry, milk, cream: 30. Tel. 156. Scotch PrUe, on side.
Pleaia return to ijiURNfsU'KD House to Let. E.L., garage, JxuiiJiTiur jianuucui uovolty colors. 4 -In. blooms. cuy.
wmua. a. tennia court, nox. riui A A.A. "VeVona.
Cenl. 8prlngrup. A. T. court, K.L., tarajjes.
Phoue IDS, ISffRN. Flat, overlooking Bay, OP. pier." 187 Be Mentune. 208. TEWELLERY, Old Gold, Bangles.
Brooches, riiumimi ninLru. Wnlfh iiaadB. Watch Diamond Rings, KING, gold, Ikdlfs, 1 sapphire, 2 duuuuima. Description, pjlye Rhi, Aga, small, 26 100; post E.L.. sew, mHK Bungalow.
LOST, near Carnegie Theatre. 6 blue Barb Bicycle. Good reward. free. Sales 'exceed ldo.000 annually.
Harris, nurse rvinan. 34 Duutal Gold, sovereigns, ntguest prices Ideal tariff 2 5. Mrs. uavoa. GENTLEMAN wants private farm, 35: week endl, 106.
BilKli .1. poultry, SCALES, seoonuhuiid, weigh up lo 1 Inn, Lowest price uud whero can be Inapected, guaranteed, English Money silver 1 33, TllkRI.VN Ijipo Vncnnil(4H. now and Eas HH Jiunuiawi. ton B. riiiif X507T.
lessier, prop. "AT Armstrongs. Central'" Springs, lurn, houses, from 10; Uau, rooms, gar. Tel. tlculara.
Mr. Smith, oo Thornnury f.u. ter, excellent table and right on Kichmfiiiit. Rrtdsc-rd. M1E Cascades.
Asphalt tennis court. GROWERS. to L.enu. beach. Mrs.
Adams, uromana oo. buildings, 223 Col I one door down trom Swa.iston-st, I TAMPTON. Bungalow vacant now, accom, small black purse, containing I1 Specialty investments, 81 clly, nro: a a ii. i' uu particulars, ntnn jvyyjwuu. Kerr.
ALLY Ho. Vac, now, Easter, 3 rs. acc. 7. 1 mln.
beach: reasonable. money, uewaro. bi j.n-fM. -m-rft'ff iiiHrtin Pnrk balhs. Friday morning, EY Cutting Machine, now or S.H.; must Ilallow central, mod.
tariff, trui guragluu. Mrs. J. K. a rant.
Phone Roth. ILOWERING BALE. FLOWERING. 3000 Boxes Ciioloa Ranuneulua Bulba. SCRAP IRON and Sl'EEL.
Molbourno Iron and steel Mills. IRON, 8. Melb. M2231. ETEEL.
Gielong-rd. works, or rail to Little Rrnoltlvi Blilnir. Fuotacrav 04U. Muiur i lOUSES to Lot, now and Easter, near store, ''PIIK Glen, centre beauty aiiota, nomo com- oe cneap. WAiut 20 ftorthcote.
Li Gold WrlatlH Watch. Pleasa return it reanonaonJ. i.mti'i owe, forls. own tarni. cieitni, puuiuy, muuii, posted 2.
8 Double Jtose I'inx. a vun nrnnvn nnniiiiciihiR A Rlnod Tied Ratlllll- a. wnnt nrlv. Bd. or small furn.
House. radio, piano, E.L.; 35, KN ffiJ'l iUachi nes in. br longer. Tex-tile School (Roper's), 239 Swanston-at. bnthit ofllce.
Reward. OST." between Prahran and AT i(la Ora. near lake, cent. -A springs. MrB, MaddlBon.
Duke-bt. i I In hilla, clean, week Eaater. Mrs. Baker, 11, innniH. -f-r Tiotf ri HlnVi 1 1 a fl.r.
House, fur- cuius. Double; 8 Double Scarlet, 8 DuubU Purple Ranunculus. 8 Double Peach Blossom nnniinfOilim rnniollln White RAIiUnnlllllS. Tills Ward News Agency, Fooucray, AC A NT now and EaVtcr, lurn. llotise.
rATHE. modern Capalan, alo Miller. Drill A Hint flrindnr; consider small nlant. Mr. IJ rignt jiiKsmu uiuvv.
rmiwi SCRAP Zinc, uny quahllty. Galvanised Products. B. Mclb. Phones A Lake View, recognised one most com- for! able housnn Fjiivlesdiri).
overlooklniz AV nmhed. 'Heaieavllle dlatrlct. Particulars, 4092, 6U1KT. C-NTKAL, CONVENIENT. 250 ROOMS.
An Ideal Hruie lur Visitors. You Oat ECONOMY. COMFORT, SERVICE, SJngle Rooms 4 40 6 8 Double Rooms 86 96 1U6 12fl Hnoelal Quotations for Cluba. CAFETERIA, CONTINUOUS SivRVICK. Phones.
Ccntral30. 305. A. A. A.
RATION PER DAY. Room and Mcule trom 326. Room aud L. lrom 12tt. SPECIAL for Permanent Gueats.
Phone F4H1 (10 lines). 1 THKlCJiARDSOClIAlJIOTKL; A A. A. A. THK HOTKL U.
99 MELBOURNE. (Next Collitis-slroet MELBOURNE'S MOST CENTRAL HOTEL. RATES PUR DAY: Room and Meals, trom 120 Room and Breukfaht. lrom '76 Special Rates for Permanent Guests, Phone M4C91 (8 linos). (ARLYONS.
Spencer-street (Melbourne's Greatest Refined Hotel Single Rooms, from 46 a day: Double Rooms, from 76: Room and Breakfast, from 86 single or 116 double. Double Suite, with private- bath toilet. 176 day. All meals optional In tea-room or cafe. Complete Board, trom loa a day, B.V week.
Free garage for gueala' cora. Please write for tariff card. Special quotations for families, cluba. coniercnccs Ac. Oeacn and a Bwk.
561. collection posted 2: 2, Bargain. The same W. Borltise, fi I'omscray. lake, springs, central.
Tel. 236. ra. R. Hay.
OST, Bourke-st. tram, Thursday. Cnrd collection, St. Brigld AncmoncH, liuios, posieu "Turtle ulars, I ATHETOhuekH, A In. tbs ooarct hox Bampiea, ttruuea, jw una Aiyaa.
SCRAP Machinery. Cast Steel. Aluminium. Load: factories cleared. Cowetl yu Ascot Moonee Ponds.
FU5522. INVERLOCH. 64 E. Btuuswlck. A Tahraa.
close Central Springs, every Rood table, cream, uoultrv. W. SAN DR INGHAM, ujarA 'IViuUii- .12 Melb. 2, uiiarantecn nowering iuhoh. BE EDS FOR WINTER PLANTING.
3no Seeds in, each packet. guaran' tfimt frnnh usaunn Pnnav Seeds. Bath's. 6(1. riVO B.C.
Flats, vac. clean, facing JL plor. 14 Bandrlngham, XW2265. 1 or 2 B'rooma, D'room. kitchen T'OSt-bu "WedneBday, in S.
Back IATHE, 6 H.S., good order; cash buye By letter, 86 Surrey JIIMh. SECONDHAND Lathes. Machine Tools; 1 Ab 1 mln, beach. Sutton Phone 233. AT MtTblive.
Private, homely good table, central. Mrs. F. Connolly, ilospl- IJ Seat of Car, award, ihi id Eiater, furn. Uuuan, -le.
Kua, ANURE Spreader nnd Grass Harrows, 203 TTtURN Houses, Flats andTtooms, ooms. eanaringnam, prices. Aicruerso 8500; Our Giant Snaparagona, 6d. Yellow and Blue Violas. 6d.
Bunbeam Poppies, 6d. CnnrniM Pnnnlps. flit Giant Double Stocks, "1 ARGE House or 2 Flats, vacant now, mln. JL) Ramsay. Store.
Phonej lit nawuiuro. aj s. icinnoiiu. IUSICAL Saw Outllt, Price, Ac, "Tom TOST, Regent Theatre. Thurday night, horn-j rimmed Spectacles.
Reward. M584L SECONDHAND Guns 3 a AO NT. furn. House, accom. 8 nersons, neacn, stution, every conv.
10 ao bott-at. 24 varieties, 6d. Sweet Peas, 6d, Posted VIRWPoint. Good E-XT, tetmla, billiards. Player: 376.
Mra. Tbo Denartment. Hartley's Sports stores, Ttiompaon. uncqunnca service, ru- gas, E.L,, all conva. 6 Edith city.
tree. "C2ANDftINaiIAl3. Vacahl, now andEastef, re)Bpiioiie. Ancot ate, w.a. N'EW orTJaed piaTn tlrowni for ahop, Mt-'phlelo, Agogilleq.
NH siiTuifft nose Morris Radiator, Medallion, Nn. 869. Finder1 Number cancelled on Kates. tNota. ihciwahijin, WnnTBf'KAV NlTHSTCRIttS.
SEWING Macblliea, prompt cash, all eutjsT; Resell from 26 wkly. Uu k.j turn, nouie, accom. uiuiuiv ucaji, station. 15A Tennyson-et. I'iiOLTTiEitS' Housi; tHe gFeatest' Accom-Mf mudntlon value ever offered, centre ot KALLISTA.
ACANT, EaBter, flumner, 333 Pt. Nepean-rd. Edith Valo, accom, 10, gar' 'leasa return to 314 O.l. EHaendon. Quote Stephenson, 8 Glasi age.
Inapect Sunday. A RCADIA, main for your summer holl Irving-street, Footacray. Phone 315, F'cray. ijROPXGATlNO Frames, 40 ft. sections: I also 30 ft.
Glazing Bars, Glass. 11 Windsor. 6871. I OST, Hand Bag, cont. money, imnortant nanera.
lulls. D.E. Reward. SASSAFRAS. VACANT now and Easter, email Bungalow, B.C..
BUlt 2 adults, near beach. 13 Ran- SEWING Mat'hlnea, Furniture Piano, or Motor Car; highest prices. Phone F3985. 24 N. Melb.
L'ood order: caali. Mordlalloc Motors, TTOMEBUSK. beauttfully situated. E.L., BONNIE Brae, Dayleaford. Good central, homely, player.
wirelosB; tariff dell-at Mordlalloc. B.121 Tames RAifroN'S special, list pj 0 Cambcrwell. TOST, Wallot, with notes, at Tourlat Bureau, Mycr'H or fit, Francis's Church. Reward. i H.w.B., concrete court, now ana Satis.
51. A. Breer. 15. Phono lio.
Wllllllll SEWING Machines, TOP PRICE spot cash: re-acll, 20 wcukly. WX1104. r60DTAfrDS. clock golf, electric FLOWERING BULBS. POSTAGE Mil), CROCUS, 26 doz.
FREESIAS, "Rainbow Hybrids," 16 doz. HYACINTHS, uiir rtrt VRKKSIA. WhltO. 1 fl07 1 AIT1 1 ESS. Sup.
Clean, mod. Mrs. Price. Tel. 201.
WICK, BUU. KINGLAKR HOTEL, mountain scenory, sports tird picnic groun'ia, H. and HEEP Bklmi. Rabbits, Fox HttihaTvvbol, ugni. miss ai.
uraaiey, easaairaB, n. Inn. Point Lonsdale P.O. naf WrtAai, CnnHnn Iao Plint.rrt. and rnono u.
rtXY Welding, Cutting--Set. complete. Price, parMcula ra, 34 ewport. 1)ASTEUR1SER Batch, glass or stainless lined, 400 or 500 sec. hand.
S. R. M. 40 S. Mclb.
M24U8. I JAIN Grinding Mill, large capaclly; AubT. Licorice Brunswick. UKiaEono. RTcht on Reach.
B.R. lanu xu aay, ou weetc Swan-st. Reward. 7 Burn- C1ARDIMA, good acc furn. 2 vac.
now. Easier. Oliver. Camp-at. and Par- hr laiiow, iuucb.
u. uifjouai prices; no commission, Wm. Haughton 378 Sprn VAC, furn. self -con t. "now' or House, 8th-25th March.
3 IRIS, 'lmporator" Blue. 26 dos. Phone Klnplake. 3. SEAFORD.
tie. mm. uungaiowa, c. tent. Altona, Green, 3d.
ea. LACHENALIAB, "AUREA, UHnm)iml no trl oa nitAPR HVA tin mp i on. tARINV Overlooking Lakes and. Spring. Sun lounge nnd snorts room, all mod.
LAKES ENTRANCE. cer-si. CJINGER Sewing Machine. Prlco, Ac.7" 680 Camberwcll. Phone W7324.
OST, Wednesday night, between Exhibition i and Glaases. In blue case. riiMTUO Tir.ttK 1 (1Q7. Lawrence a near pier, town 300, NEW York Hot eT7BoTirkeit; "Me lh O.P.O. Visitors entered for, Cen VAC, 2 D.B.R., D.R: and close beach, plaver and wireless.
Inula, 15 poultry, cream. Mrs. Kinsman. Phone "DARWIN MIXED." 6d. 6 Alf.
Carstalr'a Waverley, Central Poal tlon. off main wharf, hot and cold water: Apply to 51 Prahran. Reward. 1-iiune, uwit. aiju.
"I1ASSION Fruft, for factory usei O.T, SINGLE Spindle Shaper, 12-ln. Buzz Planer, price. 12 City Hatlus-court, 40.1 dnz. NAMED VARIETIES, Dd. 7B (loz.
JAPANESE SPIDER LILIES, 1 10, dOZ. tiah a specialty. Tariff now 376 week. Box iiM ii i-rniiriin. CLEATTTurn.
CbTtnges. linen, cutlery, ceri-tral springs; 1 vac. Easter. 54 Rosamond- SELBY. "1 ASTER (TolIdAV.
Furn. Houxes available VAC. now and Easter, well furn. D.B.S.R., all on beach. 72 Albert ALTONA BEACH.
fnone, IJIANO. good RONISCH Llpp, walnut or Autumn, urocus. no. ea. TVUMALONG.
rtcht on bench. manocunv case. uv icuer oniv. Aira. A nl 11.
JIA 1UI Ull MJ rcas, rates. Millar, agent, Selby. Phone lARSTAlR'S Hey ft eld House, reg. Class A. KJ Trina flixanccn to all Oeautv sdoIb bv our Br.
and Rea. liolm'a, 42 Brimawlck. TOST7" Olaaaes In leather casepphono Arnold or Hathdown ats. Rewara x.iwi. (iOMF, f'urriTBedroom, uVe" kl cKe'nTd Inl mi-J room, near luko.
flurinirn- Mm Phillips, Flat 5, Carringlon, 20 S. XV Furn bungalowa. Ac: tent parties. Law- lartlea. Law- iaa Kiizapevu-strcci STEAM Jacketed Copper Tilting Pan, power driven mixing mechiinlsm.
30 gallons, or meohanlam of above without copper pan, ami. Llcurluo Brunswick. WANTED, small furn. House, to Rent for Urm. chean.
Parkdale or Mordlalloc. on Cull Ptiune, UJEEDLINGS, open grown; pricca mod. Houses. Easter, and 8 Hrs. Week ton.
Table Hill, lURN. X1 End room. tennis court, Karagcs, scwerea or ting W5003. 22 Deepdene. Snaw stamp.
Tel. eeioy l. beach, handy. U.R.D., 61 Thorn IJIANO wanted urgently, about 20, snot I. caah, for country, make.
1 JuoodlQ- air'lnformallon Aecommodatloh- TranB ti. Hnu u. water; turiir, 2 luv. jura. Reward.
tJOIL. SOIL. SOIL. fn. nnnftHinn Tin 1(1.
uury, n.n, arsiairs, lei. li. Return 96 E. Melb. 111', Stretchers, CuniiilTig Clear, nla'o Bt, jl otgu wnitt nayiesiora-Hormurn Ktida.
1320. SHOREHAM. iirinps i ounst tsuretiu, nayicstord. Mrs. BURNISHED House, on waterfront, near Trailer.
iuii particulars, 77 must Iron frama. Ordera placed to-day for later delivery will IJIANO. German make, rOST, Middle Park baths, bunch Keya. J-J ward. Baths' Safe Deposit, urldeo lo ocean ueach.
E.L... carace. row an oeacn. m.u., garage, row wlll pay to 15 cash. Box O.P.O.
Anderson, Lakeside, Lakes SHOPEHAM. Rooms or largo Clubhouse to Let, Easter, bench, country. Wilson, The Let. ooai. Airs, 23 E.
B'wick. rjpHREE porta'hie Sleep Outs, slzo about 7 APOLLO BAY. Vlew- Good mod. pood JJ labia, riding school, golf and tenuis, close beaut I ful beach. Phone 2.
JLDERSLIE. E.L-.,' cowered. A tennis courta, next coif links. Ushlng, river and sea. J.
A. Nelson. Phone D. In good condition fti good roiid comfy; N.10. OST.umhor Plale, No.
108.667, Albert KflStM. 1lANO wanted, hivp, 101 Wcgtga rt h. WOORABBIN SANDPITSPTY.LTD. CI! its. Phone Flinders 44.
Pk. 154 Grevlllo-sL, Prahran, "1 f.iiMl Hnnsn hen ml flit nnai ira aprniKS, uayieaiorq. ENETIAN Blinds, good condition, bid IJIANO, German, walnut; niuke nnd price ca- lion, conn lh c. k.i.. not waier; xie Du IflURN.
Cotlage. Flats, from .12. VSE Phono laan Phono "WATfTED, Maryavllle district, small furn. Cottage or acc. 3, for 2 weeks, trom 5th April.
State tcrmn, Mrs. S. Fry loiit'rt. wooden, ahuut nil iu- ihr USE Stop All Dust for all aphis; 20 46: 100 1. A.
Myers (agunt), Tally Ho. LJ INGLE mono dlnmond engagement King. Lost between Port Mclb. and St. Kllda, 1.
annum, miss net.i, AKency, SORRENTO. A ORIENTAL. tcnnlB, ballroom. week. C.
L6933. virivtm-m. cur ciurwncB. jmisb urotiy. Thui-B.
Reward. IIOBTN Hood Inn. cbarmimr situation. piano, A7ANTED, croquet, excellent table, lis), cream, BAYSWATER, Model Steam Locomotive, any moat ho chciin. Ktnln unrMin J.V cellcnt cuisine, indoor sanitation, all suorts.
1 WANTED, St. josepns lollies, others, amall or lurge lota; slate price Joneph. Age OQlco. poultry, ii'i 10: faster, 10 per day. 1 IIANOS.
wood Genua ii makes, to 25 dancing. Mrs. 1. Robinson, manageress, WANTED, near beach. House, accom.
f. Ml. Martha or Dromanii, 4 days at Easter: mod. Bv letter. Sorrachan'a News 1AYHWATER House.
Old Farm House, aewTMrs. irice. Loco, co Age OOlce. vtousier. jci.
ju, i- Player Pianos, to 50 cash. Slate prlco AHRE Wheel and Tyre, about Nlchoiaon-at. Rjward. JW3347. POA" REWARD for return Melb.
and Met. Xib't Bd. of Works Debenture, No. 148,928. X5120.
345 N. Brighton. HI. cedent taolo, afternoon tea, supper, hot hatha, E.L., own cows: tariff 25. B.
Slen- 4 VAILABLE now and EaTitcr. Furn. Houses BrunHWlok and make to 45 Brunswlck-rd. WANTED, Books on Antique China. Ring W1668 between 9 a.m.
and 6 p.m. Agency, 337 Brunswick. good taolo. near springs ana kb, gooa pos. mnnger stores, -iei.
KOSEMONT House, central, homely good table, fish and poultry a specialty; house. Tel. 73 Bayswater. TJIANOS and Plavera. prompt be? WANTED TO EXCHANGE.
woe, Hunnysme. JtriiMB. 2 ivks. frnm 2fiti Riiv. ccondhaml Bottling price oaid.
Full Slade, 360 P.O. 71 Colltncwood. rVATLABLE! Ilouse, Rood a. own rows. clean: mod.
rental. Mra. N. lOOD Accommodation, Rood table, quiet. Mrs.
Hodgaon. co Mrs. Gilbert. Illll-at. 37 6.
Mrs. G. Ftaser. Phone 71. UNCI A.
Esplanade, small homely. Phone 57. Box 6. Mfaa B. M.
Hansen. AitDROBl in'good order. U7087. uancon. N.
Haxxard. Tel. Bays- MISSING FRIENDS. S. Mclb.
jIOTU RE Theatre, nood loculity. M.0.4, Age. l.flUH Tor. 8up. furn.
al vao. WANTED, Hotise, large, 10 days. Eastor, tennis, shooting. Lane, 644 Glen Huntly- -m hub, r.nnLLi mo, mra. awiiUQ, EXCHANGE, 350 O.H.V., 1930.
new tyres. 12 spent on overhauKor 500 or car, sell 25, offer. XW1932. tXCHANGE, 14 acre. Glen Park.
Eltham. for Hi cTir or Bell? 20! 7 Regent. BACK Beach Palaco. Tennia, bllllnrdfl, gar-aces. AkIi.
cream dnilv: 2 ft. E. B. XrtNDMlLLfl In or out of order. VV Wilkin, Pakcnham South.
ijlPTNO, any aire, gond prices spot caah, all Caulflcld. A.A. A. DUNN'S Detective Agency, never poultry, UlLLViKW. Good cenL, cream, sew.
Tel. 124, Mrs. Wh jl seconnnana mncninery. Ui ounaary-ru, Campbell. Tel.
18. N. Melbourne. F4033. BEACONSFIELD UPPER, rpo Let, for Easter, accom.
8. 2 L.B.R.. J.S.O., use D.R., kitchen. Oloed, Quamby( Mra. G.
A. Mitchell, oroo. Lome 62. Cent. ISTELLE, Bowen-rd.
Clean furn. Houses, WANTED, select Board, for M.C., vicinity Sandrlngham. TKELMA, lakes, Springs, poultry. surveillance, divorce evidence collected; advlc of order. State lowest casli inico.
Kadin. 9874. TTORrP'T' niod. Tourer. In good order, not for Boat, about 12 ft.
268 Toorak- jj now ana luaBicr, every near oeacn IJLAYER Piano, In good condition; will pay 1. lo 40 cash. Box 503H, G.P.O. tree. MU1302.
75 meio. co Dwyer's N. Licaiii, oa. luru, vvusou. Tel.
263. ITOiWredonIent Accom, table, B.Yarra. TJELL. Anyono knowing tho whereabouts, oi rjLOUGU, furrow, stump Jump, disci" suit 1 TOUSES, vac, bus meet boat dally nanny Deacn, piuuu, wireless. isoouingai NN1SHOW EN.
Good E.L.. WANTED, Easter, furn. House, or S.C. Flat, 4 adults. Black Rock or Snndrlns- BEAUMARIS.
cat current market rates: no communion en r. H. W. rrpa m. nnnl i-v 1 9 nrV jl m.
io insptici. unrK eiors. iei. 'I1HKBW BIOCKO Ul 14HIIU, ol "v.w small Cottane on the boacu. Langlcy, 89 jl.
auis ior roruHon tractor. it, anu Guhhimt. Cbrlfltmas Hills, nr Little Collins. Eric wigiey isou tor r-nu "'kj, merly of Kew, Bacchus Marsh, Brunnwlck and Fitzroy, and originally of South Africa, can-vknmr nA bookmakeVa clerk, please notify charged. BRITISH and EASTERN WOOL CO.
PTY. firONTE Vista. Few vacancies for Easter. MiS lffE' House. Sporting Carritval.
1st March. Phono Lome 1. Book now. bkg. KaBter; tariff on application.
Tel. 12. Mrs. Grucr. r.
aruuii ANTED, M.C., Easter. Warrandyte, Airs. Li. r.iareo. J'none ih.
Ov urroi-atreet, norm Melbourne. ijRAM, wood, wanted, deep, modern, must vicinity Watson's Vt Central Vincent Nolan, solicitor, 368 Collins-street, fJOCHESTER, cr. Cain -st. Flats VifEEK End Block, Macedon, op. smuon VV water and E.L., road made; 25, oi Motor Cycle part.
12S Oo- smtn nr ra. I'nor parson. 11 jl no cneap. to apenccr-Btrcet. SHEEP SKINS.
RABBIT" Melbourne, immediately. -a apnngs ana iaKe; terms moo. mona 210. or available au year rouDd flpollesfl: cheap. UY6037.
Hiciiroona. TANTED, Easter. 10 days. furn. House.
i BELQRAVE. furn. filled burg. r- SKINS. HIDES.
TALLOW. no mm. 1 Guest IIouho, mod. convo, L. A.
Allen, prup. JUMP, Double acting water scaled vacuum accom. 4. clean, Parkdale, Aspendalo li nfivnr forceL 1 lovo you always. Your A'ACANT now and Easter, House, accom.
6 LORNE villa, homely, pood. 'tahleeloHe'cen-tral Springs. Tel. 235. Mis.
Williams. mission) cash sent day goods arrive; highest ProDs. for Hale. Insnectfan Invited. Kismn.
trump, w-111. uyiiuiiur, jo-ui. Buoito. fUUip, m(lQ' ft Surrey Hills. count rv.
Eaater. loralltv LOWER SASSAFRAS. WANTED. House, garge, reduced rent. 2 Mai.
riZPAH. KiiiK-Bt. Furn. sen. ntunrrn Solicitor OfTerS arte- VIllUO.
O. JVAININUIN et HUIMH fix. Rlchniond, E.l, Victoria. Egtahllshed 74 years. near snrlnRS.
Shanahan. TELGRAVE. Lovely week end, amongl uiimi. lie. nngi 1LEVEDON, Tho Baaln.
Ex. milk Ae. hlchnut tirlrps! nn onmmUiilon. finjisen service invorvg 72 V. Age.
7lRELESd and ilttlo caah for "uavon "VJICELY furn. uao din In groom ancTkit- iiitiH, sun vacant. i Kcw. Decree, Age Olrlce. S.
Cooper, 87 Kenalngton. Con- STEEL'S CREEK. 93 E. St. chen.
Kllljlnnanl, HUl-Bt. i seaaa WANTED, Easter, fum. Houfe, accom. 8, Hampton, Sandrlngham. 96 Beaconsfleld.
AVE. Vac. now. EiiKtrr. nUROA Catholic Church Jubilee Celebra-M, iinn.
Mnh 4th. nth. 6th and 7th. Kllda. Flaia and music 1 on nee.
hlghost 4 Davld- Consign to Spencer or Flinders st. stations. rINC, Lead, Brass, Copper. .303 Olm-JZa rid go Cases, Residues; spot cash. Moreland Metal 600 Little Bourke-at.
MACEDON. XV W.S.. hacks hire. Cent. 1927.
Former residents specially invited. All wel W. Melb. Consign to Spcncor-st. rA Eaater, House, hills, accom.
clean. Terms 257, Age. come. WANTED TO BUY. aupdhou siwd Did RnVH and OlrlB HEPBURN SPRINGS.
1 pro. fur Jones, agent, stamp. Ph. 44. ATANTED Kaater, 4 days, small Seaside INOKA.
Comf. Accom- amldat beautr 11 Association meet 6th March, The JELLEVUB House, main road, cent. liuihuc huh oquiib. economy, arc. OLD Government Cottage, 2500 ft.
above sea. nature's sanatorium, from 4 4. A A. A. A.
A. A. fut mountain and river scenery: good AT Jamba, home, away from home, close springs, 2 2 wk. Taylor. D'lord, Bel.
18. WANTED TO SELL. cream ana nome grown vcgeiaoiea. King Aiaccaon, or write u. ai.
ferguson. Aira. ocon, ooiangi r.u. "The Palma," Alex Huiiie, upper Macedon. accom.
OLD GOLD. JEWELLERY I Gold. Jewel- ADVERTISEMENTS LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. lOKA Lynn, Ideal position, cxc. table, cony, lounge, radio, billiards, 35 week; w.
ends, 10; Easter 4 days, 40. Trevor BymniiP. EelRrave 165. Vac. Easier, party 3 Indies, share larpe room.
TRENTHAM. iv vvarncK-su, Dayleaford 44. p.m. Ail former ana present uonmiimiioa Ascot Vale. heartily wcicomea, ATTUNGA.
Good 42; also S.CTFlats. lied linen, clone mirlntrn. Tnvlnr. TSAINTY furn. Bungalow, every comfTTHne MARYSVILLE.
I AGGIE Smith or McFarlane, of CautfleTfl, or anyone knowing her whereabouts, M57 79 QUEEN'S WHARF-ROAD M5779. PRODUCE WHOLESALERS A A.A.A. Halllday C. 7421. 2 Girls, cook hnusn trial rl tofrollipr nnvwhAm ERA Ml." Beautiful views, mm vcran- lery.
Diamond Rings, Bangles, Broochcn, I Gold Medals. Watch Chains, Watch Cases. Dental Gold. Sovereigns, highest prices; English Money silver 1 33, coppers 1 26. Cal-dcr's, 2nd floor, Halgh's-bulldlngs, 225 Collins 2 mln.
springs and baths UPPER FERN TREE GULLY. write to Mts. A. Woodward, Bcnalla P.O.. Vic ilEkNDAl.E.--Homely, "good "table, 10.
Mrs. Wage. Tel. ten- mod. tennis, crouuet KOlf (free), hacks.
'hi! 6m JL1 ills courts, near township, station; 30. Lovers'-walk, Belgravc. good" table. 211 Northcotel Mr. and Mrs.
Llddlov Parry. M'villa 1. or CJ.R03VENOH House, Upper Fern Tree Gully, Every comfort, first class cooking, shady lawn, lame verandah: 2 wcoklv: holt- C1AR ALTON. Cliurch-av. Comf.
furn. Cot. tane, garage, S.O., 3 mln, springs, va one qoor nown trum Dwanoiiiai, A LBERT 103 Rktrlnn-iit nnnr tram ami BRAN, 56 POLLARD, 710 days. 10 day; Easier bookings. Madame MISSING alnce taking Formettes.
32 It. of superfluous Fat; 63. all chemists, or from B. H. cnsiiall, 248 S.
Melb MT. Pleasant (Ballarat) old scholars' meetlnc and concert, Easter Saturday A A.A. ADVANCED PRIUES Paid lor UIO Gold. Jewellery, Filled Bangles, Dental canttm Easter. Tel.
JI2733. tLEAN Houses, 2 mlm'shopp, springs, 1iuknishkd Home, accom. 8-in. I. vcr K.L., all parage, spotless.
Bel-more. Tecoma, a b. limn. rum. u.k., aep.
an. 5-hus. Bnn Less Than 1P4 Bua. tS I IILir AT GOOD GRAIN. A RIEL Outfit.
h.D.." 8.VnS30. trl; o-ouB. Hfig, ess Tnnn l3i Bus. BUT CONTAINING QU AN- WHFAT car. iwans.
iu flth floor! Caultol House. nonn M'vllle. 2. 5251. field.
22 10. rash. Home Saturday, 312 L2555. A VV 1 TlTY 0F 8AFKRON SEED, ALL GOOD FEED UPWEY. evening.
Bacred service Easter Bunday after GO'fTD. GOLD. St. Kllda. GOLD.
tlATTYITNDS tor "an enjoyable Holiday. ill. Good H. and C. ull rooms, tennis, E.L..
5 mln. i Our Business Reputation Moans Honest 1 BURNISH ED House, vac. now, Easter, E.L.. close Upwey township, accom. 6.
LTL1575. BELGRAVE TECOMA. CLARCOMA, bup. ex. table; mod.
W.E. 10. Mia. Palmer, Tecoma. Bel.
104. prings, vac. now, master, ionr. A SMALL furn. Flat, nice home.
2 gns, suit visitors, Ac; also furn. B.S.R., cruquet, con. swimming pool, dancing hacks noon. former mvn-uu, MY awhile back meant finished with fulse frlondflhlp. not persons; sabae ueaiuiKH.
PAUL BRAM. 1st 11.. 288 Little Colllna-st "iOLLIK ior all home comforts, next P.O., MO oi Ai i uu v' ax-w'11- "er town, vac. SPECIALS FOB THIS WEEK ONLY. Prime Table Potatoes, 50 large bag; Onions, Table or Ticklers, 9G 10n-lb.
bag. Flour, lGO-Ib. bag-, 183; ltcst A.l. Sugrar, 21; Table Suit, 112-lb. bag, 30; Lucerne Chaff, 6.
222 and cme springs, swim, pool ana goir, jnrs. Sat: or 11m peace anu goou 111 lu wi. nunrs ween ena, oo easier, J2S04 after 1.30. c. 5351.
JJMJRN. Homes, clean, all parts, now, Eauter, JL la tor, stamp. Byrne, Tecoma. Be). BANK House Book, 5 S.O..
E.L. gas, road made, sewered, double gal ti. Williamson, tei, UToril -ou. Booking bu-rcau. 243 Colllns-gt.
0601. aionaay morninK. 4 ciunea ass. ore 1 Orchestral Concert, NC-. St.
Paul's. 27th. A NY quantity accondhand BricKs, macninc KlllgUMXU44. holSB-bldgs. 4th floor.
sprlncs, H. within radius 20 miles Dales, UViBtf. jt-, maoe. tUGHESDEN. Homely, comf.
acc, cxc. table, cream, nnnltrv. aft nix If go. A LPINB Retreat Hotel. Rebuilt on modern MARY-LYN.
Every mod. golf (free), hacks, con. swim, pool, every sporting facility, at the attractive tar, of 50. Book M'vllle 24. or 268A next Hartley's.
C. 222 and C. 5354. 6 I GR KxcpI. Apfiom enod mrnls.
swim, nan I. ESat, 16 Chapman marine engine, cen. tro plate, Balls, oars, everything complete. Berfcct model, suit Bay, river or lake: sacrl ce. 70.
Boat. News Aeenev. Oupprinnlirr 63 136 76 28 A PPLES, for factory uae. Apples, O.T. PP' Crusell.
120. Lavlnti Mash Seed Oats, Ala 32 Clipped A Graded 36 Barley, New Cape 311 Barley, New Eng. 44 Hulled Oats 38 aj. lines. upen tor visitors.
warp, it. Donna every comfort, T.iit io.i Prahran. Chaff, cow, 33; horse, 4 Straw t9 Potatoes, Stock 3 P.mnlcuni, cwt. 226 100 lb. 9 Dun Pea 8, bus.
68 SE. Will again move over distance. Messages tangle propinquity. If sure previous letter yours (one only) will contlrm. Similarity uncanny.
Anxious write you, Ray; Grit, Portarlington Charcoal 23 AUTO Trent, single, must bo good falBo Set Golf Clubs, steel shafts. Lowest price, m. xi. w.E),, auornoon tea. mm.
a nop, golf, Ac, 2042 War. 15. Mra. Heine. BRICKLAYER.
4oT" 1000; coppers, chlmncyT, modern lircplaccs; day work or Driea. car entrance; stamp. Hepburn Trl-cal-OB Boneflour 109 Meofjltfa, 100 lb. 96 W.H.G.. Age.
A The Road House, good Ideal fi A cntnneia. tt.e..9. tennis court, ballroom, cosy lounge, H.W. sew. E.W., free raragea.
aft. tea; tar. 2 2. Book direct Mary. 22.
or 5354. J. A. Grieve. BELQRAVE UP WE Y.
nEATHERLEA. main road, ex. table, mod. tariff; W.E. 106.
Bel. 9. K. Moloney. Ki sky" "Pk.l'lome every coin ton.
H.C.W., lovely gardens. Mrs. uouch, Lpwey. FREE DELIVERY Boat and Rail. Prices Subject Sale and Market Suburban Delivery Ad.
per cwt. Terma STRICTLY CASH iiuaiuun, up io aaie ana very moa. 'PATURA, Mooroopna Association. Annual Meeting. 9th March, Railway -bldgs.
All come along, speelal meeting. IfKlUKLAYER. KOOd. Clflerlv. t3 VAnra BAGPIPES, Henderson's or Laurie, and paUiculars, to 2A IURN.ottHge.
close springs and baths, ac-com. 5, mod. rent. Hepburn Spa Ply. Ltd.
Tel. D'ford 66. Fisher. Tel. 31.
11 wants urnrlr 1 A npf hnup Trnrani a hHE MorysvTlle Chalet, central, tennis, every BURTON House, mam plenty milk, cream; rpO HENRY VINCENT LEONARD, formerly J. of 99 Sydney-road. Brunswick, In tho cnnuuri aim inoa. (Ann irom i TRUfiSWIClt'. btib front, atuvo, AGS.
country consignment, phone and let- tfft- attended. Farmers' Sack Warehouse, 2. TPWEY. ToLct, furn, LindenLoa, Mor- ruouv ai vino it, nvri iiarrioon, pro mm. ojuuryni.
Diaiey-St. State of Victoria, but now 01 parts unxnown nrietor. fcttr. io wis. AiciNuJiy, felgln and Nicholson Carlton.
Walter Cunt, piORA Lyriiv Central. H.W.S., noEaster 1M.A., 1932,2.49, O.H.V.. perfect TYRONE, Ideal Farm House, from LEONARD has Instituted PROCEEDINGS ju per wcck. jurs. Ktrx.
Tel. war. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHINGS, modern home. BEDROOM SUITE. Inured walnut, trays; Tancatrv LOUNGE, also Genoa, loose cushions; prop, rnona muni, up PWEY.
Furn. Houses available now and against you for DIVORCE on the grounds of Elsternwlck. L3701. a jwarysvuie on otcvenaon itiver Moondal eolf links; milk, crenm. car.
BICYCLE or good strong Frame, W. Preston. Lasier. J. McNally, upwey.
Fnone, Bel. LENOLX. Genuine "Varm Guest "House, all (J In IhA P.n'l hotlfliarv'n Office Of tflD bed snrcHds. lonan rnvrn. AA golf, dancing, player piano.
H.W.S.. river, log Tudor DININUROOM. Carpets; barKHlnr; leav in State. 228 Can ter bury BL Kllda. 100.
dalrv nnrl fnrm nmri n(w tpnnia CURTAINS, dav. lar Tel. 2S. Mrs. Wiilte.
IJINOCULARS, Telescopes, Levels, Stavoa, llards. Wireless: freo transnnrt from Wnrhnr. Supremo Court at Melbourne on or before the urto. iruui usiims, oikmjiink, aiu tea. oupyer, horses, E.L., radio; 2 10.
J.J Microscopes; cash. Seward, 457 Bourne-si, Mary-st St. BEDROOM Suite, latest, figured walnni, beautifully polished: 7-nlcce Dining Su.if, ion; tar, a ii. j. uuaitcn.
Tel. 3. Kllda. M1439. nlro Wlnirla n' k.
uuxion 1. 1 TPWEY. Clean furn. Houses to Let, now, iU East cr. 31 amp re pi y.
Cailcott'a Agency, "PWEY. The 8 "167; Easter, 3u; exc. table, cent. Mra. Little.
1). BLACKU Kttl-H, ar Buyer, 115 Stanley- tram: nhona. cna. hath. Pnnt-rri.
must cell, cheap. 4 near Ma 1 vera nl. MONOMEATH House. Central. H.W.S.
excellent table. Phone. zisi uay ot aihtcj. iv.n. um iuaj cecd In your absence, and you may bo ordered lVaya.COUALL and WILCOX, of Yorkshire1 House, 20 Qucen-strcet, Melbourne, Proctors ULWO'RTil, closest house to' sprlngs, -J II.
again under management Mrs. MILDURA. Bushel. 21 XIA 4 67 83 09 146 Ufl 113 49 33 33 i arra. OATS.
Mftn to Build Boat Wheat Meal. 7 bus Pollard. 7 bus Bran, 6 bus Wheat, by weight) Laying Mash. 100 lb Hrovvlng Mash. 100 lb balanced Grain, 100 lb.
Mea. Menl. 60 protein, 100 lb. Dnndy Meat Meal Lupol Portarlington Grit Charcoal I JEDROoM Stllfe. mnnle.
roiitjL VfW B' mate Vl al found. 175 Albert.Pk, Gleeson. Tel. 86. TI flLDURA GRAND HC 1 MOUNTAIN Grand.
C.T.AranVhlA.ft.V: ii niso otner t-urnisnings. I INTERN WICK. Nicely turn. B.S.R., conv. suit lady, 10, comf.
home. 11 Shoobra ior me petitioner. a1 The Most Comfortable and Modern H.itel Aioreiuno, JOLTS, NiltS, IIOSEMOUNT, 2 mln. springs. E.L., i balhs.
aew. Tel. 197. Mrs. Cashlll.
1 Eaater booking cloaed. 5354, Warb, 75, J. W. Barnes. Victor Qerny write her sister at lots, anything; caah.
BENALLA DISTRICT. SPRING Vale Farm and Riding School. N. Wtnton, Vic Lgc. lake, ranges, tennis, boat.
ex. H. and C. wire-3Ki, piano, a Uoo ting; 426 per week. Thornbury.
ITiLSTERNWldR. Furn. handy every thing, mln. Orrong-rd. bus, board op I I ViiKviEW.
Friv. Acc. milk handy golf, Mrs. Buchanan. SPAT Vlew Family House, tennis, home cooking.
Konuinin iorn ncwniujicjauai.igttD A70ULD James Mills, formerly 385 White Balwyn, send address to J. "Tb 1 RAGS, poon-iy, a.v. service. Mrs. Stevenson.
MORDI ALLOC. tlonal. 10 Alllson-rd tiutisian, inKiwut.r"ii,mciu; HtTToTe N6V and EASTF.R, 7ACANCll'S. Tk linnnM Hu iT. wnlnu model BLACK ROCK.
I.1LAT, or 2 D.B.S.Ks., E. mod. Age. S- T. LAWRENCE.
Booking now for E'lght Hours week end; no vac. for Easter. FURNISHED B.S.R., 3 Bedrooms, verandah, vacant Easter or cheap, min. beach. 9 MontKomery-st.
TERMS STRICTLY CASH. I D.T., wing mirrors, lilted, bed match; BURNS PH1LP. 312 Colllnfl-St. C. 823S.
TEAITES. Social, Dance, centenary nan, ritv. SaL. 6Lh Country Dealers, Wri Le for Price LisL R. BEAUMONT.
1 Chcssell-Btrcet, SOUTH MELBOURN E. 30A Moreland Sin. i-jionc of. inrs. A.
Taylor, prop. 1' ADY. elderly, small Income, requires furn t. return light dutlea mornings. Elizabeth good mualci supper provided.
He at on, S. Yarra P.O. VACANT now and Eaater, furn. House, close station, shops, acc. 8.
Mrs. Bates. nTTI.KS Mntnla. Rncrl. BohfSH.
hUtbCS DROOM, Suite. 4 pieces, walnut and vc-neer. Bed match; Carpet, Table; bar-Suite, Ago Ofllce. Free delivery 20-m'le radius. Discount 6 mr cm.
mi mil ortlcr. tnuplhor on Wheat. IjnJRNISHED Flat, on beach, accom. 8, all 3 bedrooms, clean. 3 Coleman-av.
IURNISHED Flat, on beach, gas, light, now and Easter. 3 Roselfa-rd. Jj prices, prompt payments. Country clienu Cottage, clean, 6 people, 3th March. J.
Brown. 57 gatn, Rock. Comf. Bungalow and kitchen, Ll suit 4 people, mtn. beach and shops.
1012 N. Carlton. Bwk. 843. LAW NOTICES.
I ADY wants 8.F.R., W. Hawthorn; mod. -i M.I.,- Age Ofllce. Bran and Pollard taken from our store; other IVARBURTON House. Cent, tennis Mid.
Park. gootiB, vt per except, net items on iuui4 n. w.o, mrs. iu. u.
ucLjei- cessor to M. T. Gleeson, 170-87 "slttini all fllted: Robe, Bed match: suit TOUNGE Sulto, as ne. Genoa velvet, mocf-J cm; must sacrlflce, 15. Flat 4, 88 jvieip.
tun. Moni 1 UNO A LOW. Flat, 3 307: gas stoves, E.L., vac. now. Re veil 'a, 14 couple; chenp.
1 1 E.Melb. TRANBFER of Land Act "28. Application No. 40,205. VICTOR STEPHEN NEW- St.
KlUtU WARBURTON EAST. r.MEH-M. Jiezu ana vvzuiii. Rojtehnwer. E.t,..
no less than 6 called tor: and cluba cleared. Cllpsham a BEDROOM Suite, walnut, with bed. 12, 11, 16. Sweet's Factory, next Road'a. Prahran.
WELL fur views, very bandy shops, springs, Maxwell, MAN, quick, clean milker, 270: 'another, 25: Teameter, 30: Bheep and Block. Hlghet. 66 8. Melb. M1321.
1 House, acc. 6: Bungalow, acc. minute beach, shady garden. Win. Airs.
Moore, Montgomery -st. MAROONDAH. Own farm pioduce, concrete tennis court, clock golf, indoor sports, piano, radio, afternoon tea, supper, H.W. aer- HOUSE, of 47 BiesBingLon-street, bt. jviioh.
In the county of Bourke, Grazier, has Applied to bring the land described at the foot hereof under the above act, and the Commosaloner of Titles has directed notlcn of the application DELIVERY EX OUR STOKE. Wheat, f.n.q 54 Bran, 6 bun. net 11 Pollard, 7 bus. not POULTRYMEN AND FARMERS' TRADING CO. rwlIOIOUBri IUI, READ Sllcer.
small, good order. Maker KEDROOM Suite, coat 30, bedatend to match: aoll. 10. 56 E. au Itf i-iartiwnre-at.
MU2336, and price. jjS Age. House, vacant Easter, accom. 6. MOROIALLOC-PARKDALE.
ionny, warp. tu. TiHTAR Heater, perTecl order. Ring MAN wants Blrisio furn. k'ette, handy Kooyong station.
Kew News Agency. handy shops, boajb, tram, G. hath, car- A RINGA. to be advortisea in tub aro newspaper, anu haa nntifiiniori fnurtern duvn from such ad ige, 379 I H.W.S.; 35 wk. xj iiaw.
4ai. o4 2-546 Little Lonadaie-sL M2279 (2 lines). Tiiriffl nofonrihnnn. machlno. anv ouantltT prop.
KlldH. L5406. NotlenlcrH. BE te beauUf walnut veneers. Intent design, cheap, 'aJ Olonlvon-rd.
Brunswick, week end. 1'VED. tZQoi as new. with Spring and XS Kapok Mattress; 3 10, or offer. Tel.
Wind. 8444; vertisement, after which time tho land may he brought under the operation of the act, unless a caveat shall bo lodged forbidding tho ,4 A.A. SIDNEY LYALL to Kingsiord, agent, agiomun. MOUNT View.
For hapnv holldiivs. central, motor trips, excel), meala, attcn-tionj vacs. JEastcr. Mrs. Christie.
rpE Wharc, Farm GucsfTlouse, where guests J. receive every attention, E.U, H.W.. Piano, wireless; tariff, 276; no Easier 3 hiln from station; cars call. Mrs. T.
W39. A Be. agc. Ardoyne-at. C.
fu-n. Flat, aceorii for 5, garage, 1 V7 mlnutcfronleach; cheap. 9 Glenmore-cr, 7ALLAROY. Furn. booklhs now, Easter; reduced tariff; lawns, gar-ntyMrs.
Smyth, 27 Black Rock. ivan. za. Tfc TASTER fl Bulck SeJan, duco and uphol- c. tate oi Lyail A Hon, Victoila Markets, Melbournoi.
Comfort, attention, qi superior home, close beach, tennis. 11 Morrlce- ATA. 8. Wilson. 8 E.
Kew. BUTTON Machine and Dies, cheap. Half-Ball, co Age. Cam field, oft Oien Elra-rd, Every th ng for those Interested In Produce jjatca tne loin aay nt BeptemDBr, auoo. LAND REFERRED TO: I EDSTEAD.
Qurrnaland maplo dark), new wire, and pretly Hllk-roji. Spread (vlens ulna. rmmc wurnunnn vou. riAMEitAB Purchased. Generous cash allow- uil-b.
urcniiiuuBt I'tsn, za Dusnci; IEV Week End Blocks, Ideal positions, 7 made roads; low prices, cash or terms; inspections free. K.K., Box 1337L, Melb. BONBEACH. NORTHCOTE or W. Preston.
Mod. D.F. W.B. House. 4 or terma.
SelbcChadjTlnwns. vefT. near beach, cxcn.llpnt men la bbw cheap. 228 W. Brims- WARRANDYTE.
ONBEACH. F.H.. 10 Wil AbbotHford. J-lboo. Kj ances given on Modern Cameras and Photographic Apparatus.
HERBERT SMALL PTY. corner Collins and Elizabeth sts. 30; Oldgce, 39: Black Oats, 46; Sunrise' Immcd. Inspect Sun. 15 Lllllmur system.
Tel. 177. Mlaaes Dunne. EDITH VALE. HOUSE wanted to Rent.
2 or 3 fum. oft main road. 20th-27th March r. UALEIGH, 24 h.p., mec. perfect fcgT in.
Hum xitKolr unit 17 VI rl oh I on. urmona. Algerian, nn ana b. Rye Oram, 7n bush. Bran, Pollard, Whcatmcal, Fowl Feed, MAROONA, on Eaplanade, overlooking "Bay croquet and bowling greens, danci garish of Melbourne South, county oi ourke, commencing at a point on the north-west boundary of Al bo rt-at re-it distant 2.r7 feet 8 Inches north-easterly from Carlisle-street, tbence by a Una north-westerly 85 feet 6 Inches, thence by a line, a fence and a building; along TA8H ROKlster.
National. Rlhg 1344. trlvtniE full description and where can TjiTJRNIBHED House, beach front, accom. 10, BELTING, engine and chaffcutter, copper sewn or cement joint, 2 21,. Ian, 9 Oaklelch.
tlMiisn.v St. Kllda. BUCHAN CAVES. lounge, E.L.. sewered oo seen.
Wire Netting, Barb Wire, Galvanised jl gas, min. uiaiiun, Hams sewered; vacant now. Windarra, Bank rd. 12; 3 10; 111; a ai pi-r fasteners free. Rubber and Cotton Belt, 90.
mHB AMAZING SPLENDOR VACANT, furn. Cottage, all X4970arm produC0, 22 Brighton, SCRAP LeadTBattery Lead, Ac, highest prices, cash. All Metals Smelting 270 W. Mclh. F4060.
Mrs. mu. I soYaL Hotel, m' CASKS or largo Vats. 6.T, 1D3 Prahran. iron, nugiir.
nco ttiun i.x LlrtUL lltaT. Tela. F5720, F2072. Victoria Markets, Mcl- Kltr TUB BUUUAW JAVI-U Orfpm thp hnlMnvm.nU-nF imlniiB nlfturft nl Tariff from posted. Hudson's', Stores, 6.15 Bourke-at.
urown allotments JO ana -a, norm-casterlv R0 feet fl Inches and 3 feet. CLARIONET. flat. State particulars to Cash Price, Age Office. WESBURN (Near Warburtonl.
CEDING Machines Bought. StaiS Rlntl, rO price. Johnson's, Ath floor, 294 Melb. thence by a fenco along a Government LVALITand ONs PTV. BILLIARD TABLE MAKERS.
Alcock. Thomson and Taylor Pty. Direct ImDorters of All Accessories, 1' garage, sewered; 4 4. 'U7919 tilt 11th' March. VACANT now and Easter, furn.
House, all accom. 9, right on beach; terms mod. 12 Edith Vale. Cent. riARLETOM.
Ideal spot for a happy houlday roservi soutn-easteny icet 7 incnes, and thence bv a fence alone Albert- MT. ELIZA. ul Ijf rJeltJiN -o i INUltTtl MIJljtJUUltiN. NOTE ONLY ADDRESS. Tfll.
F11I17 III Hnesi. fXLOTHINO BUYERS, SUITS, oft At 1 Nature's versatility In fashioning In age-old BUbtcrrancan caverns a glittering succession of limestone formations that rival In their scintillating colors the world's best cavca Plan now to visit the Buchan Caves: they nro lust beyond the lovely Glppslnnd Lakes. Ample hotel and guest house accommodation aiiemoon tea. Din no rail In II nnrl h-tv. n.
mi Btreet south-wcaterly 83 feet I Inch to Front u.B.s.K., and use of kitchen. LADIES' Dlsca'rded Wearing Apparel of everv I7ARTMIL, on the clIiTa, for a quiet holiday, Hats or guests, good table. Phono, Mt. f.33, SEED OATS, WHEAT. DRESSED, SPECIAL LINES.
POULTRY FEED, COW FEED, PIG FEED. hlldron on application. No' vacancies Easter! i-A-. Strictly contl- 103-103 Ruascll-Ht. TcI.
CcnL 2ii0B (2 llnea). Tables "2, F.S.. 2 SetaSnookfr I and Billiard Balls. AccessorleH, offer. 32 Aacot Mooneo lomls.
FII.W22, jn; privaia car caua. I vale car calls. ma commencing point. A. O.
O'DOWD, Reglatrar 0 Titles. Dr-tM the 27th day of Keoruarv. 1037. CLAKK-, JWMUl T. Kllda, 1 Robortson-av.
Superior li. RjKlHfnfH Hnllhln nnrl nlniyU UaoonoU. FERN TREE GULLY. npHEK'S CHATEAU. WESBURN, the Guest MOUNT EVELYN.
pi LOTH ING. Oet our price boforo selling handy city. Phono. Win. A14S.
ALPRF.D a. CRAY nnrl Snllnl. Is available: excellent camping sites are near y. For all details consult the Victorian Government fouriHt Btneau. Qucen's-walk, bourne (Branch OfQcc.
Spencer-strect tlon). Tel. Central, 2042. BILLIARD Dining Table, nlale bod. Balis, nuns.
An il ft. 3 15. Sunday eiaewncro. uuninun noum, otii-. Taylor, Hawthorn.
Private, 20 tors. wueen-Btreot, aieiDourne. TABMA, Farm Guest Houae. All ex. table, H.W., E.L., piano, 33; Eaater, 8H day.
98. L. Thomas. ,,1 tuiiiiuii. 11.
aim Ki. water running water nnd electric light In every bwi-room tennis court, children's play- ST. Kllda. Balaclava. Neat W.
Knaanna and Plenty Rosanna, tjamocrwrni, vyo.i NICE CottaKP, accom. 7, clean, I nr. stores, views. 20. 18 Malvern.
U8030. 1 BILLIARD Table. Alcoc. "i Slr.e. low cusn.
Inn: Accessorlea: best offer. 74.WheatlV FLINDERS. Hummer tariff. 40, and from Eafor, 30. per week: early, morn, lea, Thek's egg flip, aft.
tea and supper Included. Write for folder or T. Kllda. Flat, 2 k'ette. self 1 mln.
tram, larse 17rt nrnM. HOTEL OTHER LICENCES "TiATTHinHON'H Fllnrtors House. Book, ner- Brunswick. 1604. Bentlelgh, I 1HLLIARD Ti.hle, 6 complete; oTn Jl.
A. A. ll WlgJIH-llli TTl Outlook, home "away from farm produce; 30 week; tennis. Write Ai feet holiday; golf, tennis, billiards, bath-1 mi ivenmiiii, j. no more cjaater vacancies.
AarL SEEDS. Oats. Alirnrlnn. Htni-k. CONCRETE Block Mnklng Machlno.
Paving 101 Blurt-aU. 8. Melb. BUXTON (Near Marysvlllo). i aJUXTON Farm, handy Moondal Golf Links, XJ tennl5.
shooting, tlshlng, riding free, inllk, cream, afternoon supper. H.W.S. sewered, E.L, weekly, 50. E. O'Brien, Phone Buxton 3.
8TTK 1 Ida, 45 Wellington -at" all large front R. Balls and Top: recovered; cheap. fnone, 10. Knowiea, mu veiyn. none uiiydaie 53.
Mulgn, B. White, Lachlnn, Sunrise. Skinless WYE RIVER. is. rnnran.
uunuy, i ra, nRiiBn, ecn wneat, ureen 7t'AJ51fEb Chevrolei. 1036. hTlipnT. FRANKSTON. CHRISTINA FRANCES KEADY.
of Everton. MOUNT MACEDON, ILLIARD, Dining Table. 7 extra goon, all acc; cheap. Warrick, W. ROOKERY Nook Hotel.
Vacancies from 2nd Feb. Phone, Wye River 1. 11.478. Would the possessor please ring me nomer ot a victualler licence ior tne furn. House: also 2-r.
furn. Cot- i-ootacrny. DIAMONDS, Old Gold. Silver. Ac.
Cata-naeb'a. lewollara. Royal-arcade. Little Col VARRA GLEn! notci ana premises Known as neaay koici, situate at Everton. the Wangarntta and Ovens Llcennlnc District, and WILLIAM Mra.
tennis. Indoor games; mod. tariff. CHELSEA. CiOMR furn.
Villa, acc. 8, avail, now nnd Easter; ollurs, M'loc. Phillips Wlchoi- BILLTARD D. Table, like now, all arc: alat bed. snooker set: 16 10.
Ring li Pji-bL r. WOMAN wanla washing, cleaning; ref. co 17 Brunswick. fOX. 1 oi.
o. "genuine ables, motors, cabinets, records. Plunol, JW31ML MOUNT MARTHA, CW. Hotel. Good moderate tariff, flahtng, shooting, saddle hacks for hire.
J. theow. nron Phnno DOUBLE Bod Couch, good, wanted to Buy, good order. Mil, Age. ston Open for Visitors.
Frankston Alcock. 7 S14 8. hereby give notice that we will APPLY to the! Licensing Court to be holden at Melbourne on Monday, the olwhth day ot March, 1937, for a Transfer of the aald Licence to the said IjiURNISHED Houses, now and Easter, num-: ber available. Inspect now. Hill Co.
196. Golf and tennis available. I RILL, power: also Wn.p. A.C. Motor.
-Cabin Trunks, 2, used once; cheap. Chelsea, 51. 1 rrice. to urui, Ago. LOST AND FOUND.
olf course VARRA JUNCTION (Warburton Line.) WANTED, furn. House, Flal. accom. 6, Frankston line. 4 days Easter.
15 Hun- hacks. Ashing; William Horace Bmitn. "ARATHON Mansions. Furn. Flats, iacc.
tariff 3 a. sr BILLIARD D. Tahle, Alcock. 16 10, offer; also Gas Stovo, new. 1M iui, Cent.
QTAUTAU.For that Ideal holiday, shady Malvern. Brunswick 928. 222, next Hartley's. Cent. 5354.
ANIMALS AND BIROS, mnrt lorl "'oV'fA''Jk "lfc.i iea ah, egs nip, i H.pTetsclt. ape -st. Dated mis aotn oay or. jfeoruary. iuji.
C. F. KEADY. W. If.
SMITH. P. McRWINEY. Reld-street. Wanga ILUTE, Bbhm eyatem essential, wanted, In- expensive.
Ring MIbs V. Wntaon, C.A4fl8. ELECTRIC Motors and All Electric Goods Lobaacher 242 LitLonBdalo-st. 01373. 1jlAJ botlioa, Highest prices, letters at-, tended to.
J. T. Taylor, 66 Ed In bur gh- CEELONO. AIR Compressem, Receivers, all klnda Air EqiUpment. P.fl.A., 33 Bruns- LUARD.
Dining Table; lfi, or Coffeo Palace. Good ANIMAL Hospital, at Dog's Home, Macau lay R.S. gentleness, kindness, sympathy assured; unwanted animals painlessly do OCEAN GROVE. A -nntTAM nnnvp imno- end, teantc-r beach side. hlj nm CHELSEA BONBEACH.
1jURN. Villa, accom. 8, 1 door beach, 3 mln. E.L., gas stove, pore, bath, comfortable, available after -13th March, Including Eaater; reasonable. Archer, 296 C'nillns-st.
88B. rntta, Solloltol- for the transferror. JAMES P. HALLORAN, Myrtleford, Solicitor for the transferee. INTER.
ST ATE. NEW SOUTH WALES. mj oner, xia BI8CiflTrWnflte" "excoUcnl" feedor pis, fowls, Ac. O.T. 193 Prnli run.
ho dogs have ever been shotF2800. throughout, spacious sun verandah, tennis Burnicy. J3663. A1R Compre.i3ora,--Duc'o Sprsy Pianta, Giina prices. 280 Inkcrman-at.
E. St. Kllda. Win. l003.
complote with Mot it i oa Burwood niHHINn Nat. for hav. iulja aiurnmiKjB rouncii, owners Particulars, 11 XTOTICE of APPLICATION for TRANSFER QEMBROOK. AT HOTEL IMPERIAL; KING'S CROSS, i of lickjnuh rrom one rerson to Xy Elwood, S.3. Home Heads, 77.
BLACKBERRIES. 12 lb. fi, freight paid, sent same day picked. F. Franklin, Tn tha Llcennlntr Court for the Ll Nargonla.
Select nr. 1.OLDlNG Organ wantetL rmifltho cheap Btatc make nnd price. Folding, Age Olllce, BTwnuiX ED LEADING PRIVATE HOTEL. crenm. dou try.
1 sing uiamct ot jwejyn. nuiMiuA I4MJRN. Houses, vac, Sunday, Medlya, Chelseft. VV00RANATqulet ol I day table tariff 22; Easter, 8 per day. Mis Downle.
Barwon Honda 32, and comfort. (Mra.) M.Davis. FLORENCE RYAN, the holder or on Aus-trnllnn Winn I.lrnneA for tho house and Dre- A IR Compressor, Tank. 112Viclorla-i. near Swanston-st.
F1439. 7X)UR Furrow S.J. Disc Plough, tractor lading son, jnspector, Town nail. 7 Hnii'1' Wfiek'y- H'ni and Breakfast, from beach, stove. 3 la, cont ln: set Crnqunt JL' lovers, muat be In good order.
Fallow, HAMPTON. WPHU. OLINDA. AMPLIFIER for Sale. 9 Sneakers, Micro-phono, portable; cheap.
6 Boyd- mlsea known as Dorset House, situate at Hurst-bridgo, do hereby glvo notice that It la my Intention to apply to the Licensing Court hnlrl al Tlf Athntirnn on thfl Blh rlAV Of March. 1OUND, Irtah Terrier. Owner apply'" Geo. Ktnncar A Sons. Footscray.
vntor Write tho Manager for full particulars! or apply to Thos. Gnok and Son. Melbourne. 1. 31 Malvern.
jACKSMITHS. Mrge Block Seeondiuind COMF. furn. Bungalow, aep. k'ello, E.L., gas stove, close atatlon, beach.
16 Hamp IWWIT ManiirerPrTce and particulars lo C. 7 Hnrrica. Florlat, Narre Warren N. CHELSEA CARRUM. KONNY Dell for health and happlnoas, exc cuisine, every comfort.
Mrs. Brann. 30. TMP0UriSEDnt Kellor byMr. A.
fcrEaal, J. C.R.B. ranger, from plggors' Reat: Oravonsteln, 200 cases for Sale. No Cndrllrrx: '11 nianr hrlnff tin.i-1 furn. Houses.
D.R.. 8.0 'i. 1P37. to Transfer tho said Licence to ALICE ton -si. TrsfrRNYfiHED "ftlnta S.O..
vac. 1st March. her Tyring, Electric Blowers. Apply Condron, N. Melb.
Y.iftUlT'" "single or Ti. (aced, 'cheap; 1 also ifc-lon Panol Van; about 25. One black nnd white heifer, ntarn nut of MAY UKNMAM. OI BnnpparBon-nvijnuff, FIIRENCE RYAN, JJOLIDAY otf BUSINESS TRIP t( J' accom. 12, Mrs, Butler, 3 Ahbotsford, 711 Pt, Carrum.
Ring ick of hoth para. N.V.R. 1 rrt fuifAr. UMil IV. I.UIHU ouiiiiivy, j.
naiuar, ryaun, Auc'Mori. 1 Saturday next, flth March, al 3.30 n.m.. lampion. piece out of near ear. N.v.B 1 blue-black OLINDA.
wh Idbeim, centre beauty nobis' fruit, cream, E.L., H.W. Tel. 13, lURNITURE and PIANOS, And the said ALICE MAY DENMAN, hereby apply for tho aald Transfer. Given unrior my hand, this 27lh day of jl uiacK ana wniie aeiier, i OO facing beach, close station, irnnd table. Karaee.
ohone. 17 Beacb-rd. roan Heifer, N.V. N.V.B. In tlie Qlenierrle Oval.
JUMBLE HALE Miss napp. BLINDS. Thomas Evan make, preferred LIND8. because of long-wenrlnc fes ure, modern Btyln, low prlCBS. Verandah Blind.
from lit upwards, Over 30 Window Blinds, from 40. Any color. If nwl I.AIlflKRT rtAflll BtlYERR Stay the WENTWORTII, Enjoy the ioaceful surroundings, tho con TiiSrtMS varaht. Bcnarate eas. If not claimed and expenses paid, to be yjneisea i'U.
COCKATOO. fA'VAlLABLE now and Eaater, Clean furn. coi af 1OCKAT0O Agency, Furn. Houses avail ab Eai-ter. Froat.
Phone 6. FBbruary, lu.r. ai MAy -KNMAN, ui viuiiijoK, iirniiuro ano Bunoriea, ir aid ot tho Hawthorn Football Club Spe cial Anneal. PARKDALE JLi very private. 60 Hampton.
vonlence, tho service, tho cuisine, dm nt iiiuiDunv, min muiiii, hi is noon. R. J. McGRATHt-Poundkeepcr, Kellor. lltltSH Terrier, small, dark coat.
FlndBi curaoie moa atore, wruo ihujiab PTY. 41B-419 Bourko-street, Melbourne, XUNrMondny, Curtain Seta, new, 300 -fL lots: Furniture. Pot Plnnlit. Ufl rinrtriuln. CANT, turn.
Bungalow and Kooms, Enstcr. 63 Hampton. fi. 45: 6. 55: 7.
65: A. lh. Oaon nil Dloftjo rnlurn 74 Darllngton-gr. 0.1. MEETINGS AND LECTURES ur.roy.
Ire or write for Reservations, ite warn, HEALESVILLR AND DISTRICT, ARK DALE. all tbLot, ac- nnm. 10 nr 12. near hpnrh. Itnainna LINDR.
TITtom atIc aLoT MActtlNl'is and PlN -VOAMES. Wo have a number of Id. and A. A. A.
A. A. 1 PHILLIP ISLAND HOTEL. Vacancies, from 63. Phone.
Cowes. 31. a 1 Diiutt oucn, wun conai and chnin. nhotit wnskn turn. In Mn All ltoarrlntlon.
A A. A. RATIONALIST ASSOCIATION chemist, Northcote. Want Complete Homes, Flats or Surplus Lots. High Clnas Modern and Antique.
-WE BUY EVERYTHING RIGHT OUT-Pianos, Players, Sewing Machines, Radio, Refrigerators, carpets, Crockery, Ac, Ao, Onico Furniture. Linen, Ac, Ac. BPOT CASH. OWN DELIVERY TAKEN, INSPECTION AT ANY TIME. WHITFORU'B (Estab.
23 Years). 08 Chapel-street, WINDSOR. Wina. 4328. IURNITURkT CARPETS, Ac.
7 Uny Qunntlty, Anywhere. Prompt Attoiillon. Hlghont Price, OKORQR E. HOOPER, ju. Aiacmnes ior hiuo.
Finder return ni Malh 1 A A.A. THE NEW KALYMNA PARK For a Delight rul Holiday. You'll like the beautiful modern bulldlnga, Mnnn h-loht rnnma. ntrrnollvn nilrrollnd Incs.
Special Price to Bonn PMo Contractors. 'The WENTWORTH HOTEL, t-rii'UH irom o. AMUSEMENT MACHINE 145-147 Lonsdale-strest. POINT LONSDALE. Melba Theatre, Bourke -street.
SUNDAY, 7.30 P.m. Mr. J. LANGLEY The Rod Mass. Method'at Paraons and the Teat Match.
SYDNEY. Phone BW1301. A.A.A.A. Thosle of Wight Hotel, rfghl at jettv. Tariff, 3 7 AO.
City oQiot, 00 Market-at. 4677, or Cowea, 1. OST. black Retriever, name on collar. Gyp, A habit Bitting on mudguard of oar.
Pleaafi good 1000, rnoimiy atmospnerc: reasonaoio Quotntl'tns with Pleasure. DlMMEY'S MODEL STORES, 1 CHMOND, 'iiEK mi nub. Every modern lock-up rates. Booklet posted on request, ait. A VI All V1 andTlovoiiiriiB; home Batiifday afternoon and Runiinv.
5354. Mr. and Mra. Cook. CD.
MACLURCAN, Managing Director. A Cora Lvnn von find a boms from home rvuirn tv uaaiaign, Howard. Detainer prosecuted. A A.A. NATtGN A Ileal fR Organisation, ilnrfli-lr ThnnlrA Hntl.
Mr, "I LOWERfl, 2, 3 'A In. nnd 3 Inc. out- a a a BETHANV. In the a. Henlea- PORT FAIRY.
good table, Ush and fruit, own cows tiud tnrlff. Tel, 23, E. M. Watchorn. 1 7 A VIARIES, fl to choose from, i.
TOST, Stolen Ayrahlre Cow, very A largo bag. Reward for Information. I)e- 4 Clifton inn. lecturer. 113 Noriu- JONN1E DfjONTVacahctes.
tarlfTI THE BT. JAMES u. root; ju, vine, largest and most popular holiday rendezvous. All modern comforts and holiday attractions. Plentiful table from produce of our own farm: Write Mrs.
Wortley, or TJORT Fairy. The Ideal holiday resort, Write Progress Aasoo. Tel. 3. J.
Isworth, EllBabeth-st. Stanlav-street. HYDH park, ab trim a Jr appuc, j. Aiaster, cowes, ua. Phone runs.
jl oo4. 5 1. Ai7ilO Press, Coke Crusher, iROAUWATEfi" VACArTClKSI 1JUKT Mel A A. PSYCHOLOGICAL Society, original, sat. 30 years.
287 Colllns-st. Mr. Mallhy speaftB. United Electors Australia Will BtMolutcly self-contained In every detail, and compleiloy, furnished. Only building of its kind In Australia, Ensures visitors the ut MRS.
O. ROBERTS. UUtVl'jH -4, 'ing 111a. KX. f7CHATEAUraccbm.
I Ing Lathe, Pumna, Pulleys, Ac, 480 Alex. Moonee Ponds. Fimr23. WH district. Ideal balry, St.
Kllda. 1222, fi to Inn spares In stock. Send for iiieraiurti, MIt.LEIXlE BROS. PTY. 2S7 Ellauh'Ui' street, Melbourne, C.l.
Central 8912, 8UU. MM, Cottage, E.L., near pier, wire "dborii, windows, vacant Easter, now; gns. most comiort and simor mrvlp linu onrt Abolish I'oyeny, PORTSEA. IJaRd Siiw, liltingTable; alaoVagner; couuu immemate uaan beiucmenu Call and See Us. quoits, clock golf, playground, E.L., hot water, dance hall, recreation new lounge, nlngle phnao, 200-vnlt.
Electric A VAILABLE, now and Easter, furn. Houses, LOST. E. blnckv answers name Micky. Reward on returning to 31 night porters, ofllce staff, billiards, lounge and music rooms, post office, hot water, all Included.
Three elevators. Winter rentals BEAUCHAMP BROTHERS. 319 AT tho Pnychological Society or central Hall, 203 Lit. tn-nfjnl, 8. Mr.
F. Townley lectures. Nature's Wonder- unnllliilnA rnnm nuhl fl wel. anu gooa pos. stringer's stores.
Tel, vOtlGLAS House, sewered," showers, asphalt court, 2 10. H. Dunn. 0 1 uourns. ib.
Alter nours, yowa. KioaK, eirct. ex. meais, wn lomor, W. H.
Murray, prop. Phone 220. rzrzz fiir 14 lnir! all Flltlnus rennlrnil' for verv oow, irom a wccKiy. raironisea oy holiday and business visitors. Tram to door.
Write Manager for Brochure. come. We wish to npologiao for a meeting which was wrongly called for last Monday A.A. Pt. uiatr.
an excei. table; tariff 30 per wk. Phone, 33, Mrs. IOST. Stolon or atrr.yed from paddock, Mac-A leod, black Jouey Hollar.
2 branded milking rump. Railway gates. Regent. QUEEN-CLIFF. 1 cheap for caah, 34 Bruna- 'toy.
A STOR for a restful holiday, overlooking Ijf-SFoflD'J' and Pier. Good TelL 40, Cowes, tjLENCOE.Snlfndrd table" and nccolnmoda Jl tlon, every comfort: mod. tariff, Mrs. 7-ISITpR8 SYDNEY, Maki This Your Ran- OST. black Pomeranian, small nolnted farr.
r-: A T.TtftilA Nr Bfn IT. fflhllV own COWS. jl sea, tennis court, n.w.u.. iree garagtj; IJ Hth Vtth. Ownnr worrlirt.
fin od rftvtirrl. im-kvous. i El UUMMUUUKK, Conn, IRON, now. heavy gaugB, excellent quality, 0 ft. 2 ft.
414, 13. 16, lVj 0 7 ft 20. Plain or painted rrd oxldo, Sntlafacllon Jtunranlcod or money re- radio, hllllaras, afL tea; 80. Tel. 127.
Maivern. au Dnriingnursl-road, Potts Point, Sydney, Orfcra you 8 Furnlahed Apartments 1 1 I'lio mil. heavy quality," "'special' galy. iron, nulod edge, well reinforced, standa atiiwherc, 22fl. D.
A W. LTD, FITZROY, JB61 MELBOURNE. RATTnreiUbTBre47nr Porcelain Enamel Rnthn. imstna. in: female.
As. OST, whTteP. 'radio, ju. uowes, U41 pom. IIOLLYDBiNE.
H.W.fl., E.L.TlerinTs, I. en race. Mrs. A. c.
Kc.mon. Ti in fSlftJM Ai Pianola, Ian "Pup1 Thoi 'hornhury. l1 Anv Quantity. 1 to 1000: ton price: i ii warn. close beach, pier, park over.ooks Bay H.W.H., free car park.
Tel. 40, E. Qj'nn I ENTMBrtA. old eBtatillshedT'nfriiur wk. Elevator, Night Porter, Efficient Phgne Service, ait, tsa; a Tm .11.
It. Lnwrnnca. Bi'UT vjahii. immeaiatn motor jnspectiun. 1f min, pier anbrfT T'OflT," black Terrier, a'nswera name chummy.
He ward. 8 Alhert Pk, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ai. Hummer .1 a. T.
Atatner. toi A WOOllSTOCK, modern autat House, cen- JJ rnrks, Ac, own farm produce, cream, Ao. nign nnn any lENTriNARY Picture Kvenlng, Bourke and Hnddle. Chapter Houae, St. Pau 's, Tues-dny cvfiilng; Minnie Everett's School; If.
KJ Moating Thuraday, 4th March, town hall, p.m. Re ReVrendnm BKalnat 40,000 Vot 1 rUl t-jy DICKENS' FELLOWSHIP. 4th floor, room 17, Thuwday, 4th Miirch, 8 p.m. Speakers, Mr. R.
Iong, M.A. "Henry Lawaon and His Love tt' -jloksns." Mr. F. W. Row.Bnd, "Travel Talk." Ml" Ma rv Wood.
Costume fiketr.h, "Llllis i-fo ll." Vocal numbers. Mla Minnie Bull, Pianist Ir, Clements' a bo'ns, 68-72 coppers, -nct mo an, ino. tiunaoii mi 66,1 Bourke-at. tariff hpautv OUR SOU LOST, PomerBnlan dog, whl'a, black eys, Auburn dial. Reward.
80 Vlctorla-rd. Phone pfiTsbn. litn man a ge re as SummpriMid THE OHAND HOTEL uuy cna. 8i. xu soars.
"prompt 20th Conlurv nA Notall. ruimen, Ainu Hicci fiat enceis, snu, 3. 26. Free delivery transport or rail. Howe A Groves, 112ft Coburg.
Phone, FW4212. f-ibUNVKHH, FTxlurra. mmuTTe Sold toMiny. 14 Fontaciny. I.EcTTMotbr7irh.p., nearly, new; Zi chca p.
18 Surrey ORGANS, 4, 6, 9 "stops," 3, 4, 0, l'T. feet order. Oray, Mcptoi.i BONNlETView. beacn, homely Accom. fish dally, ex.
table. Tel. 66. L. Weils.
lEHSON detafhlhn Auat. Terrier bitch Centrally situated. All Modern Convenience, poaTtTon, excel, meals, cream, morn, tea, E.L. all radio; 30 wkly, 159. 1ROYDONT Open for Visitors, op.
"park piumbcrfl and Ironniongers! cntnloiiuoa posted, uoir itouss, naa tnKen aeneata uouse, '4 mm. beach and pier, ova Hooking. Bay, Cowet ARRABEEN. Mod. Guest House.
1 00 yds. stoien mat Biinnay from 103 Cnburg, take potlct that police are -a. inspection, prompt ur.n, top pricca. M. Allen, 196-B Glen Elsternwlck, LSRfl.l.
Phone queensclff 72. Motor Park for 00 Care Available DAV or NIQHT. Cilt.ANHROOK iiodgo. A modern adust TIoiiha nf nutstanillntt merit and Rood Ii-uilNITURK" description, old ana modern. Complete Homos, Flats nr single ED Irish Better Poppy, urniTii, min, uirr, cnnin, siiowcrs; iiy tWtrort Ihron-hnlit Mra MolTne ft'J UED Ion BURNISHED Houaes stamp reply, E.
B. Plnnev, aat. Tel. O'cllff 7. TSATTriChtw( purTelfTtnTllnnKe, roll top; all Fillings: chenp Beach, Friday evening.
King ouitt. TARIFF -Red and Breahfaat Viaitors aumiiiwi. n. i. isB6URrJ'E Pftvltbmiy right taste, whete ciiialno nnd-aervlce are under personal aunervlaloti: 2 10: red, for children.
H'vlile 143. Mr, and Mra. Hugh Rpward. lots, t'lanos. Hpot ens 11.
selling, HogahH', 340 Lit, 31 li. Urutinwck. Ph. (JEWING MACHINE BAIWAINfl. inapirmi EN Alvle, best situation, every iJI H.W.fl.
38, Mrs. M. O. Fraaer. 1017.
JS v- un uoan; it w. u. uurapnriesi Cowcfl M. from au. Singers, New Homo, wirtiinimi '1 lie uommttnsonsr 1 rum ui GENERAL, mcATTciiH.llNflwnnTir'a "ntrvr A Treat You Will Never forgnt.
I.iUHNTTUitrr Sundries, any description, any. where. Blnsle article lo houseful; immed. inspection and removal. Janueson, Ml OTn Kapiannae, unvnntn.
YVONlRllOloUstTTnose Btntfon--Ten I 9 nia 1-arntnitnn hntl. Bum Be. milk, cream Lnrgn variety. IV mark. fPHE CON I NENTA PRIVAT- ilO.TEL.
HATH Fun hum THE MODERN sine, nni or uan. Hco working l.iltle AG, Mack, Friday, by poor person, 1 containing mnnnv. 1 kavs. imnftra nrnn. Tel.
fl. WISDOM. Guests Can rrlv on comfort And Sxeitllent Tfeedlra, Parts Ritnpllnl. Lowest jnilNnoN'K KWIN(I MACHINM terma, 35 vac Easter, 4 days, 2. Phone, ItfU'Arrt.
am ItalhmlnAR-HL. Nnrihr-of. 41. M. fuddle.
IKOa BY, Hup. faclnVTe Hmlth'SL, Flliroyj J4033. I.ulftNTrullAntique, larite nr small loisi 1 hlitliost prlc's. Chef Is, 194 Balaoiava-rd. uu uoara, irom se Sll Hlndley-alreet, ADET.AlrfB.
MISCELLANEOUS. ACCOMMODATION warned on farm dl.trlrt, Jl fin ano mile, of yming mnn, from SMIi March, It riding liack aiaru. tlal. Partlniliinijn T.L., Ana, tJovely mtc: K.awn. aporl, dainty Ion cabin, vacant.
Win. Latrohost op, Afgils. "palrs.mF2707. HATH, porceinin enamel, and sf-reen, equal tifw; Gas Baih Heater, with shower. eniaino; own tennis courta; 0.
links hnmlyi abundanoa of and 0. waterj exterior otii noor, inra nnnnc. "Smraihtf "Pk kr. K.L.. hacki MJ arid piera, jrem miiK, ljioUNn, nian'i" Wrfttler WatcKr.B,'-TVeo-V roona, Tuesday night, 49 Col Frederick Arthur Trainer.
Sundsy Night at fl. Mm Turs. and flail, Sxhlbltlon-sL, clly. AM Welcome, Admission BilverCoin. rms allioil TTiimiIo own farm; moa, term.
iei. (t. 4 iconata, nno interior. uowea 10, uny oiuce. I) Ao dame hall, aft.
tea. supper, on Bsd' uauine hi, uiat'Ar. niiwood. propnetreas. Wright 310 STEELYARDS, B.
nATl, rbfled" edge, R'tod order. 6 ICssendon. I Highest PrlcPS sivrn, eingie 1 article or houseful. Hcck-ti iw YnrtA. i i fcNTi'H gold Welch" and" Hi port Mno.t keepsake.
Iteward. 76 79 8238. BUHNS' PHI LP. 312 rtl and Thursday, 8 p.m. I dally, 3 p.m.
8 i rui runny, ORPREY Hone. Sup. mod, larlfT; H.W.8.. tennis court. ll, Smim Tl A vacancies 8 -hours week end.
Tel. 86. Cha man. ro.lfn! moitnlnln holldi Bay- nearly now, liilo model, Armndnle. fpYPEWRlTEl- Airiie-BV.
I'on nr n. i'none jins. rtfl RTTt'M 1 "Tfoii Teti nf nr HRDROOM Suite, lalesl fTgured wnlnut, benu tifnl order; nlso several other hotiahoti ler, 1 plntcly rncloaed. Intest, Po-chnracter Hfr 8. WIPOEE.
Homely 2 min. pli mln. ho irli. E. Snavin.
Cowan 14. SAVTKwirotMe, mTri." heach' arid 10M tc home, amidst tree fern, fairylands, farm mm Town llnll, Mondey, 1st March, board; In almost new euudlMoni tiff. 7 Mcort 17 Vlltna; cllrnt waiting) htgest prices for TTnme, K.l... falconlirldn. Tel.
Owner leaving dell IV vine, I i mos, luncli, Imporfsnt papers, Ac, Ho ACKAf7)N, opTTi nr. Rummer tarlff7ZS prnaurn, oiiiiaras, trnms, oo, nmt. nrs. Mrs, Turner, 317 81. Kllda! lwuod' (Mntei ho bowling green, excellent cuisine, sow, ifW.B.
Mrs, X. J. Prlddls Tel. 24, casn, tJflyiBB iio uuiiins-Bi, iiou, M. a'Bickett.
1382. Humanltle Cause. ward. A. iei.
iDui ttft ai, niiuviaou. 111,.