Shri Om Trivedi on LinkedIn: Feature Overview (2024)

Shri Om Trivedi

I help tech companies scale their applications to millions of users.

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🚀 React Router Dom v6 🚀🔗 React Router DOM is a vital library for handling routing in React applications, and this new version brings several enhancements to make navigation and routing even smoother and more efficient.Here are some key highlights of React Router DOM v6:1️⃣ Hooks-based API: With v6, React Router DOM embraces React hooks, making it even more intuitive and compatible with modern React practices. You'll love how easy it is to manage your application's routing with hooks!2️⃣ Route Transitions: Say goodbye to abrupt page transitions. Version 6 introduces Route Transitions, allowing you to add animations and transitions when navigating between pages. Your users will appreciate the improved user experience.3️⃣ Nested Routes: Managing complex page layouts and nested routes has never been easier. The new nested routing feature simplifies your codebase and enhances organization.4️⃣ Improved Error Handling: Error boundaries are now integrated directly into React Router DOM, making it simpler to handle errors gracefully and improve user feedback.5️⃣ No More Redirect Component: Redirects are now handled declaratively with the useNavigate hook, streamlining your code and making it easier to follow.Ready to upgrade your React projects to v6? You can get started by checking out the official documentation here:'m excited about the possibilities this new version offers for creating dynamic, smooth, and user-friendly web applications. Share your thoughts and experiences with React Router DOM v6 in the comments below! Let's discuss how these enhancements are making your development journey even better. 💬👇#React #ReactRouterDOM #WebDevelopment #FrontEnd #ReactRouter #Routing #WebDev #ReactJS #ReactHooks

Feature Overview v6.14.2



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Shri Om Trivedi

I help tech companies scale their applications to millions of users.


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Sachin Jadhav

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    🚀React App's Performance with SSR and Vite! 🚀I've just published a detailed guide on implementing Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with React and Vite. By serving fully rendered HTML from the server, you can drastically reduce initial load times and improve user experience.Key Highlights:- Client-Side Hydration: Using hydrateRoot and BrowserRouter.- Server-Side Rendering: Leveraging renderToPipeableStream and StaticRouter.- Efficient Builds: Separate client and server bundles with Vite.- Express Server Setup: Serve static assets and handle SSR seamlessly.Check out my full article below: A Guide to Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Vite and ReactJS.#ReactJS #Vite #ServerSideRendering #WebDevelopment #PerformanceOptimization #SEO #JavaScript #FrontendDevelopment

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    Web Developer | student at @UBMA

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    🚀 I've transitioned from React and Bootstrap to Next.js 13 and Tailwind CSS! 🚀The latest version of Next.js, Next.js 13, has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Here's a quick glance at some of the key improvements and features that Next.js offers, which set it apart from React:1️⃣ app/ Directory (beta): A structured way to organize your code, making it more maintainable and scalable.2️⃣ Layouts: Simplify your UI design with layouts that enhance consistency and user experience.3️⃣ React Server Components: A game-changer for rendering dynamic content on the server.4️ Streaming: For faster loading and smoother user experiences.5️ Turbopack (alpha): Boosting performance and loading times with optimized JavaScript bundles.6️ New next/image (stable): Easily manage and optimize images for your web applications.7️ New @next/font (beta): Streamlining font management for web projects.8️ Improved next/link: Enhancements for navigation and routing within your app.The latest release, Next.js 13.1, brings further improvements like better app directory enhancements, module transpilation, and enhanced middleware capabilities, offering a seamless development experience.With Next.js 13.5, you can expect remarkable local development performance with faster server startup, Hot Module Replacement (Fast Refresh), reduced memory usage, and over 438 bugs fixed. It's a step forward in making web development more efficient and reliable.And on top of these exciting updates, I'm thrilled to share that I've recently created three new websites using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. These powerful tools have allowed me to build stunning, responsive, and performant web experiences. If you're ready to explore dynamic web applications, Next.js is the way to go! 🔥 #NextJS #WebDevelopment #TailwindCSS #Frontend #React #Javascript

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  • Md. Tanjib Riasat

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    🚀 React vs. React DOM: Understanding the Key DifferencesWhen building web applications with React, understanding the roles of React and React DOM is crucial. Let's dive deeper into each:1. React: - Library for UI Components: React is a powerful JavaScript library designed for creating user interfaces (UIs). It's component-based, allowing us to build reusable UI elements. - Virtual DOM: React efficiently manages a virtual representation of the DOM (Document Object Model). When state or props change, React updates the virtual DOM and performs minimal actual DOM manipulations. - Platform-Agnostic: React isn't limited to web browsers; it works seamlessly across platforms, including web, mobile (via React Native), and even server-side rendering.2. React DOM: - Web-Specific Rendering: - React DOM is a package specifically tailored for web applications. - Its primary responsibility is to take our React components and render them into the actual browser DOM. - Example: ```javascript import React from "react"; import { createRoot } from "react-dom"; import App from "./App"; // Your main application component const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render(<App />); ``` - For TypeScript, add type casting: ```javascript const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement); ```In conclusion, React powers your UI components, while React DOM ensures they appear in the browser. #React #ReactJS #ReactDOM #web #development #frontend #javascript #typescript

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    MERN Stack & Node.js Developer | Data structures & Algorithm

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    • Shri Om Trivedi on LinkedIn: Feature Overview (23)


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  • Alireza Afrasiabi

    Front-End Developer | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Angular

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    Exploring the React vs. Next.js Landscape: When it comes to building dynamic web applications, React and Next.js are two powerhouse options. Let's break down the key differences:1. React: The Foundation - React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. - It's all about creating reusable UI components and managing the state of your application. - Ideal for single-page applications (SPAs) where dynamic updates are crucial.2. Next.js: Beyond React - Next.js is a React framework that adds functionality for server-side rendering, routing, and more. - SSR (Server-Side Rendering) in Next.js enhances performance by rendering pages on the server, delivering a faster initial load time. - Simplifies routing and provides a great developer experience out of the box.3. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): The Game-Changer - React relies on client-side rendering, which can impact initial load times. - Next.js, with SSR, pre-renders pages on the server, offering improved SEO and faster content delivery.4. Routing Made Easy - React requires additional packages or custom solutions for routing. - Next.js simplifies routing with a file-system-based approach, making navigation a breeze.5. Zero Configuration vs. Configuration Options - React is flexible but requires manual configuration for advanced features. - Next.js follows a "zero configuration" philosophy, providing a great default setup but allowing customization when needed.In conclusion, React is the building block, while Next.js takes it to the next level with enhanced features, especially in server-side rendering and routing. Your choice depends on the specific requirements of your project. Which one do you prefer, and why? Let's discuss in the comments! 👩💻👨💻 #React #NextJS #WebDevelopment---

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  • Jose M. Bande Serrano

    I am a Full-stack developer with over 10 years of experience helping companies to build web-based systems.

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    Today, I've been struggling with page optimization. Two things I learned and used to reduced my Vue.js (Nuxt.js fw) app load time to half. First, there is a myriad of options to tell Nuxt.js how to build the bundles. This is configured in the build property of the nuxt.config.js file. I personally tried with manually imposing a max to chunk's size of 4k as my app.js file was too big. Check it { extractCSS: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', analyze: true, parallel: true, extend(config, { isClient }) { if (isClient) { config.optimization.splitChunks.maxSize = 400000 } }},all documentation here: Also, note the parameter analyze:true. That's an awesome feature embedded in the Nuxt framework. This generates a html page report that can help you to visually detect what bundles are causing the major overhead of your website. Really awesome!!!By inspecting such report I realize one thing. The app.js file was so big in part because one of our plugins we were importing a HUGE third party module. So guys, avoid if possible globally importing third-parties in your Nuxt plugins. This can make your app.js get really heavy. Don't make a require('some-third-party-heavy-module') in your plugins if possible. Import the modules in the components you require it.Second stuff: There is an HTTP/2 protocol!! Did you know about it? Using HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.1 which is the most common can increase the overall content load efficiency. This needs to be configured in the server. With nginx is like this.server { listen 443 ssl http2 default_server; ssl_certificate /path/to/server.cert; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/server.key;}Note the http2 parameter.More info here: #Nuxt #WebsiteOptimization #HTTP2 #Nginx

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  • Hammad Nawaz

    MERN Stack Developer | CUI'26

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    A good diagram to illustrate the rendering of react DOM


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