Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)

Ft, Lauderdale Sunday News, Oct 10, 1954 15-C 85 Apts. and Hotels For Sale 86 Lots For Sole LOT 50'H25' on SW 15th St: cleared, near boa, school. Owner: 1 ISIS KW 11th PL 1 06 Automobil For Sola YOUTOO. CAN! 3i35sSsi3i33siiiiBsl Li THE BEST 1 06 Automobiles For Sola NICHOLS CARS 102 South Federal Ilwy. DELRAY BEACH 54 52 51 FORD Csatesa 4-deer tstws, radio, kcater, FMO.

tow saUeace.1 akarw ear CHEVROLET Mnr, raaie, heater, tinted (lass, new finlok CHEVEOLKT Bel Air Hardtea-. Fewerclide radio, white wall tires, tatane CHEVROLET Ceaver-tible, ra die, siew top, white sidewalla. lew aaileage CHKTSLEK s-deer Imaertal, pewer whi- IS35 $595 995 SS5 1395 1635 1395 51 dews, power steering, radio, heater FORD Castesa 4-deer Overdrive, white waU tires, radio 53 FORD Castem 4-door Ferdanatie, tare tndicstors FORD Custom 4-door, Overdrive, radio, tum indicators, I tatene 52 50 49 1125 935 '435 FORD 4-deor rsdio, heater PLTMOLTH 4-door delaxe, white wall tires, radio 60 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN FROM A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Bay from NICHOLS SAVE Phone 057 Delray Beach CONNOR BROWN CADILLAC CO.

CO CADILLAC Coupe fOCQE WW DeVille, 6,600 50S3 53 4LA.c.:f.:.....,33S5 E4 CADILLAC Wfc Conv. Coupe s.093 CADILLAC 9QQC Spee. 4-deor 033 CADILLAC $9RQC Coupe De Vnie saOSiJ 49 rlLA.c.:r '1035 Above ears are trade-ins en aew Cadillacs and are not purchased for a profit. SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY LOOK FIRST IN THESE PAGES, WHERE QUALITY GOES WITH PRICE 9 il 3 We mean it: Our classified ads are full of wonderful bargains in top-quality used cars Dealers know about our, big circulation and the quick results our ads bring. Let us help you sell your carl Ft.

Lauderdale Daily Neics POMPANO BEACH New CBS. 5-eait apartment. Two 1- bedroom, 3 eflicieociee. Tile roof and baths. All furnished.

1" blocks from ocean and shopping center. 209 Hibiscus Ave. UNITS with the ocean across the street. (43,000. easy terms.

R. T. HODGES It i SONS, Broker, 2-TM, Eves. J-51B2 or S-6355. 4 UNITS on the beach at 231S Ocean Blvd.

The Chateau $42,000 balance terms, take la home. R. T. HODGES ft SONS, Rej. Broker.

J-701 2-5192 2-355. 11-TJXIT APARTMENT One block from Ocean 2 years old beautifully famished reduced from S120.000 to 85, 000 for Immediate sale. $25,000 will handle. See Webb Painter, 8. M.

Painter Realtor, 71 Las 2-1721 evenings 2-6474. 6 UNFINISHED apartments with 4 lots. sa.OOO. Will finance. See me anytime.

11 Rosemary Ave. Chula Vista. 4 APTS. WALK TO TOWN 2 duplexes CB3. each 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, 2 apartments fully furnished.

All 4 kitchens equipped stoves, refrigerators. City gas. finest NE corner. Rare bargain for spendid Income. Exclusive listing.

$27,500, terms. Call Mrs. Sherwood 2-3274. nights 3-7822. John S.

BurweU, Realty, 43 6W 2nd St. it 4 UNITS, Northeast, CBS, fur-nished very nice. $33,000. Good terms. Staley Realty.

Ph. 3-3113. UNITS, on the Beach on A1A. $67,500, easy terms. Lsuderdale-by-the-Sea, Staley Realty, Ph.

3-3113. GOOD Income property with borne near Gateway. Priced right for quick sale. With minimum upkeep. JA OPEN 1759 NE 12th Street.

Exceptionally lovely. 1 2-bedroom duplex. Many extras. Builder. Ph.

3-9058. UOLLYWOOD RESWEXTS To Place a Classified Ad Phone Hollywood 2-IS4S Or Visit Our Office at the MORSE ARCADE BLDG. $19,000 GROSS for the proper host, $25,000 cash. Birch Oceanfront apartment with year round business. Death In family forces quick sale.

Call owner LO 4-5412. BEAUTIFUL, now. 4 large apart-- ments plus 3 hotel rooms. tile baths, furnished. Close In.

Priced to seU. Terms, owner. 433 HE 4th Ave. SIX 1 BEDROOM units, $26,000. Excellent terms.

Decker Real Estate. Blount Bldg. Ph. JA 2-5716; eves. JA 3-7878.

EIGHT 1 BEDROOM units and private house, fully furnished. Excellent location. Phone 2-1221. HONEST BARGAIN Brand new 5 or 10 1-bedroom Waterfront Apartments, 300 yards to Ocean on acre lot overlooking the Intercoastal Waterday. 3201 3115 NE 28th Street.

North Beach. NORTH BEACH Stevens Construction COMPANY PHONE 4-1501 23 RETURN ON INVESTMENT Walking distance to beach. Beautiful 2-unit apartment. Approximately $28,000 down. Designed for additional units 'and swimming; pool.

mpann I 4 I JJ 3043 North Federal Ph. LO 4-1607 Eve. JA 2-9921 SO YOU WANT AN INCOME Ten of the most spacious and beautifully decorated units on the beach. Eight efficiencies, 2 hotel rooms. Finished during last season.

To see it is to buy it. Price $87,500, very low cash. i 3043 North Federal Ph. LO 4-1607 Eve. JA 2-9921 Top Value Excellent Location -12-Unit Apartment All apts.

now rented. Income will return total investment in 7 years on present rental rate schedule. Building completed Jan. 1, 1954. Beautifully furnished.

$20,000 cash required. One of pur very best offers. We suggest you inspect this property as soon as possible. Your time will not be wasted. CALL JOHN KRESS Anchorage Realty Co.

INC. 1034 Las Olas Blvd. Phone 3-0541 Eves. 3-5779 2800 Las Olas Blvd. Phone 2-1727 VSNWaWaWWaWaNWV 86 Lots For Sole SUNRISE LOTS 94 ft by 110 residential.


$3800. OWNER JA 3-1526. CORAL RIDGE East of Bayvlew Drive, 100'xlOO' each. NE 21st Street and NE 21st Court. $3,650 each.

Owner JA 2-2600, JA 3-8500. WM. A. HAN NAN 555 North Federal CO BUICK RIVIKRA Bardtep Coupe. Dynaflow.

I CQC wsf Kadio, White Walls, Lew Miles, Black and Yellow I 333 BO FORD 4-Door. Tutone Blue, Bpotlites, 'I 90S VV LoV Milesge, Leather Interior I 53 ft CADILLAC Club Ceupe. Hjdramatie, New Blue I flQC 3 Paint, Excellent Tlrea. Radio. Beater I Was JIQ LINCOLN 4-Doer, Overdrive, Radio, Heater, Mtt New Tires, New Seat Covers 1MQ BUICK, new tlrea.

sew bat terr, motor in perfect condition. $125. phone 4-4643. '50 DODGE sedan. Uust sell.

ISM. 700 Nonh Ocean Pompano. 90 PONT1AC 3-door 8treamUne a. Very good condition. One owner tm.

220 NE 14 tn Ave. FOR DEPENDABLE CSED CARS AND TRICKS, SEE MAT MOTORS, FEDERAL HWY. IMS PACKARD convertible, tie. 4-3853 evenings. 1851 BUICK Special.

Hardtop. Dy-naflow, radio, beatsr. 3 tone. Original owner. W2S.

Call 4-1S11. 1953 KASH RAMBLXR Station" Wagon, hjdramatie. Owter has one car too' many. fl.UO. Tropla Motel, 27S Federal Hwy.

DIAL HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY, JA 2-6701, AT 223-A SO. ANDREWS FOR ALL KINDS OF AUTO AND REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. SUNDAY SPECIALS CA FORD CestAmlme S97 I CHEVROLET Bel Air V' Hardtop. Completely SflQT equipped el ef PLYMOUTH Convert, 8QAV Completely equipped 50 P0NTIAC '797 completely equipped Ff OLDSMOBILE "8S. Ifi Of Extra oleam Jft FORD Custom T-S.

OQ'I Completely eqoippee m3 Fhone 3-1672 895 heater, new top. SAUE white wall tires. NEW. NEW. 1895 75xlW HIGH and' dry.

1800: $19 down, $10 month. J. T. McDon-aid, 2425 KW 26th St. Ph.

2-2397 ONE of the best building lota tn the city, BE 5th Rio Vista, $4,200. R. T. HODGES SONS. Reg.

Broker, 2-6701, Eves. 2-5192 or 2-355. NORTHEAST. 70 2.985. Northeast, 100 $2,750.

Northeast, 58 $1.400. Call owner a-0870. IMPROVED lot, 65t 28 on North Fork of New River. Near 8W 11th Ave. bridge, dock and seawall JA 3-2854.

BUT GOOD Iota tn Oakland Park now. so ft. $1,800. Call Sib Young-man, Registered Broker. 3-3683.


LOTS N. Andrews Gardens Reasonable. Phone NEW RIVER South fork. 100x240 with seawall. Terms.

$9,950. Bee Wen Milllgan, 100 Las Olas. Ph. JA 2-1374. ATTENTION INVESTORS BUILDERS One entire block of lots.

Southeast Now, a real buyl $26,000. C. S. BOWERS, Realtor, 1650 Sunrise Blvd. Ph.

2-4606. Drive In Park free. BUSINESS property on NE corner of US 1 and Palm Drive. Pom-pano Isles. lVi miles north of Holy Cross Hospital.

Fronting 200 on east side of Federal Hwy. $125 per front ft. Call JA 3-9957. Jamesson Realty. 17 Las Olas.

3 LOTS Southeast Oakland Park. High and dry. No reasonable offer Ignored. Owner 3-3380. LAUDERDALE-by-the-Sea, 10x110, no for $3,000.

Staley Realty, Ph. 3-3113. ACRE HOMESITES $2,500 to $5,000. Drive to Plantation today. mile west on Broward Blvd.

See these spacious homesites among better type custom homes. No "project" houses. B.W. Ward, Realtor, Plantation JA 2-3773. RIO VISTA TALBOT (rear).

525 SB 1st Ave. LOTS FACINQ GOLF COURSE, an east of Federal Highway, high and dry, near shopping center, fastest crow-, ing area. 11,500 1,650 1,750 1.850 2,000 Contact J. J. Sanford at AL WALTHERS Inc.

2321 AUantle Retrieval Pompsno Beach Twe blocks sast ef Federal Highway Corner Lot SW 4th Ave. at 12th St. High ground. Zoned for multiple dwellings. $5,775.

Daily Newa BoxC-69. WWVWVsWWiVMW 87 Business Property DIAL OUR new phone number. Ft. Lauderdale LO 4-8540. No Investment too large or too small.

For instance, some "Sleepers," tn beach or highway as low as $3,000 down. Also 171 feet or less on beautiful New River, i in Ft. Lauderdale. Priced low. Many exchanges possible, lust name It I LORD'S REAL ESTATE (By the Pier).

14 Commercial Ave, Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. FIRST TIME OFFERED Valuable business corner of 4 stores 100x167" Located on State Road 84 Rental Income over $400 per month Unexcelled future possibilities. For details call 0. B. BAN-NON, with The Keyes Realtors, 1107 Las Olas Ph.

JA 2-6635 or JA 3-4251, evenings JA 3-5211. "Florida's Largest" S4.200 YEARLY Return on $32,500 Store and Apartment (or Office) AT THE BEACH 118,500 Cash Required Phone Owner' 3-6251 before 10 or after 4 ir 140 FEET on Federal Highway Corner Buy now. Corner on Federal lease. Will build to suit tenant. Staley Realty, Laura Jones, Agent, Ph.

3-3113. 20 STORE on the beach, 005 Sunrise Lane. Living quarters upstairs if desired. Reasonable rent all or part. Call H.

F. Jenne at JA 3-0501 or Gene Harlan at LO 4-3266. INDUSTRIAL SITE Close In. Zoned Ml. Streets on 3 sides.

125x250. Some excellent buildings now on premises. Priced right for Immediate sale. For Information can Mrs. Roop at 2-2144.

H.F.JEHHE, Realtor 119 East Broward Blvd. Phone S-0501 NORTH ROWARD Deerf ieM Beach Oakland Park Pompano Lauderdale-By-ThevSwO Hillsboro Beach HOUSES APARTMENTS FOR SALE 89-F Deerfield Beach NEW CBS 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, terrazso floors, tile bath, sills, base. Porch, carports. Beautiful Youngstown kitchen cabinets. 3 minutes to Beach, 3 blocks south, school, church, 9 blocks City hall, stores Price $11,500.

Terms. Phone Boca Raton $337. Phone JA S-0501 Trade Terms SELL BY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS 103-A Trailers AIRSTREAM AND TROTWOOD During my absence for several weeks these the World's finest travel trailers will be on display at Fort Lauderdale Trailer Sales. 1100 Road 81. Wlliam R.

McCaslin. MODERN TRAILER for rent Also choice waterfront traUer space available. Cherokee Trailer Court. 3575 SW 15th Ave, Vm mile south of Road 84 FOB G00O USED TKAILEFS Bohannoa Trailer Sales 158 Read 84 Phene JAI-5604 Bay SeU Trade TRAILERS TRAILERS Why pay rent when you can buy good used trailer at a reasonable price pay like rent. LITE RIGHT ON TEE OCEAN.

The Hollywood Beach Trailer Park, Hollywood Beach. WANTED USED TRAILERS BOHANNON TRAILERS SALES 50 B0AD 84 PHONE JA 3-5601 WsWVsWsWsWsWA 104 Bicycles and Motorcycles '50 INDIAN Warrior. Excellent condition. Cheap. 8 6E 8th St, JA 3-4978.

61 INDIAN SCOUT EXCELLENT CONDITION. $195. 1100 SW 7TH STREET. 1954 HARLET-DAVIDSON Model "165." Very good condition; $295. See at 1106 NW 12th St.

'53 HARLEY DAVIDSON JL-l Phone 2-3377. UWsWVAWWMWA 104-A Motor Scooters '50 CUSHMAN motor scooter. Good condition. Reasonable. 611 SE 23rd St.

VbWWVUWWWsWsWs 1 06 Automobiles For Sale 1953 BUICKS Like new. 1 Super Riviera Special 2-door, $1,550. Private owner. LO 4-1783 LINCOLN 1947 4-door, one owner, low mileage. Make offer.

425 NE lltb Ave. JA 3-1002. 1950 DODGE convertible. One owner car. 32,800 actual miles.

New top, tires and battery. Beautiful condition. Runs and looks like new. Only $590. Call Mr.

Eldridge, JA 3-1411 or LO 4-1741. IF TOO have '49, '50 or '51 Ford. Chevrolet or Oldsmobile "88" you want to sell. Phone JA 2-5290. We'll be glad to come and look at the car.

Sam Lohman will pay cash. 1951 MERCURY club coupe, Merco-matic, radio, white walls, exceptionally clean. 102 Park Drive, Melrose Park, 2-0097. '53 OLDSMOBILE 98 Air-conditioned sedan. very low mileage.

Absolutely like new. Power steering and power brakes. Will sacrifice if sold this week end. See TURNER NARAMORE at King Oldsmobile, Phone 3-7321. CARS $50 to $300.

$5 DOWN CHARLIE WOERNER North Andrews at 6th St Phone JA 2-1730 EVERYONE WANTS A GOOD DEAL And New Body Style Buick Is one of the few that can offer that today. Call us for the offer of the year and trade your car for a new 1954 Buick. Only 26 '54 Models Left JAKE CROUCH BUICK CO. 1051 South Federal' Fort Lauderdale 2-4724 106 Automobiles For Sale '49 PONTIAC 4-door Silverstreak '8 with hydramatic drive. Heater, radio, 'good general appearance.

Good tires and seat covers. Fine running engine. $525. Call owner 3-3683. WE SELL "EM How Are Fixed For TRUCKS CARS FRANK T.

BURNS 431 West Broward 4 pi Fhone JA 3-4308 WE CONSIGN EM KING MOTOR CO. FINAL CLEARANCE ON '54 CHEV. AND FORDS 2 '54 Chevrolet Sedans with power-glide. 1 '54 Chevrolet Sedan' with stand- ard shift. 1 '54 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible with power glide.

1 '54 Ford Customllne 3-d oor. 1 '54 Ford Convertible with Forda- matic. These cars have from 3,000 to 5,500 miles on them. All new ear guarantees. We are In dire need of '50, '51, '52 Ford and Chevrolet.

So act now and trade for a '54 model while we can give' yon surprisingly high allowance. KING OLDSMOBILE 700-1000 East 8 an rise Blvd. BUSTED DRUM bid yon ever try to beat one kinds tuff, by the same token Just try and beat bargains like these. 1946 Pontiac. Like new $295 1947 Frazer 4-door OD.

Radio, A-l -195 1930 Model A Ford 05 1940 Chevrolet 2-door. Pre-War Cream Puff 235 1948 Chevrolet 2-door. Radio, excellent 445 1940 Willys pickup. Perfect 195 1949 De Soto 4-door. Fully equipped, low miles S95 1950 Nash Rambler Cony.

OD radio, excellent 595 1951 Henry 4, radio, excellent 495 1950 Kaiser 4-door, OD, radio, perfect 595 1950 Chevrolet Vi-ton pickup. Like new 695 1951 Chevrolet sedan delivery. Radio, like new 895 1952 Willys 4-cyl. Station Wagon. Excellent 1,695 1949 Willys 4-cyl.

Station Wagon. OD, 695 1949 Willys 4 WD pickup 695 1B53 Willys 4 WD pickup. Perfect 1952 Morris Minor Conv. Like new 695 1953 Willys 2-door. Like 1,195 1954 Willys 4-door deluxe.

Fully equipped ..1,795 LOT SPECIAL 1949 Pontiae 4-door. Radio. seat covers, A-l in and out $395 Remember the proof of the pudding. Words, print and price mean nothing. Come in and see the real thing, drive It and then let's talk about a deal.

We'll be here tomorrow to back up what we tell you today. Try us and see. KAISER WILLYS 1812 South Andrews Ave. Phene 2-0932 Open Weekdays A. M.

F. M. Sondays A. M. IF.

M. Phone 94 Real Estate Exchange EXCELLENT TRADES Apartment near ocean 8 1-bedroom units, will take home or smaller I units as aown payment. Rio Vista family home, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, will take small home as down payment. Mr. Klrby 2-6635 evenings 3-8113.

THE KEYES Realtors, 1107 Las Olas Blvd. EXCEPTIONAL TRADE Tearly rentals 4 large units near Pine Crest School, will take small house as down payment ACT AT ONCE. Mr. Kirby JA 2-6635, Eves. JA 3-8112, THE KEYES Realtors, 1107 Las Olas "Florida's Largest" WILL TAKE In on trade 3-bedroom, a-bath home on four 1-bedroom beach apartments.

Completely and beautifully furnished. Investigate this offer. Excellent terms available. Call John Kress. Anchorage Realty 1034 Las Olas Blvd.

Phone 3-0541; evenings 3-5779. 2800 Las Olas. Phone 2-1727. LOT, 100x165; NW 48th St. near Fowerline Road.

$1,500. 3-3695. LOT 50x125. 1400 block NE 2nd Ave. Cleared, $2,000.

3-3695. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR TRADE Win trade for Beach office; Vacant property or home. Mr. Kirby 2-6635 evenings 3-8112 The Keyes Realtors, 1107 E. Las Olas Blvd.

VJWWVrVWVWVWVWWVW. 95 Real Estate Brokers ATTENTION Builders, home and property owners, let me give your property my personal attention If you are desirous of selling. B. W. Fieehtner Reg.

Broker 313 NE First St. Phone 7875 Pompano Beach AUTOMOTIVE 97 Automobiles Wanted WANTED: 1952 Crosley "Hotshot" Cheap. Phone 2-0551. WE NEED 100 CARS PRICE ilO OBJECT Bring Papers and Get Cash tn Minutes. If You Owe Balance, We Will Buy Your Equity.


Up Lew Mileage Charge IMPORTED MOTORS RENTAL SERVICE 2609 South Federal Hwy. Phone JAS-SS: JAckson 3-5425 103 Trucks and Tractors REBUILT 1951 International Tan dem, with 10-12 yard dump body. new 900x20 tires. Three speed auxiliary transmission. Oversize rear ends etc.

Ready to go at only $4,693. Broward Truck and Equipment 2817 8 Andrews, Phone JA 2-7363. FORD V- PICKUP. Bee at 311 NE 20th St. S175.

DODGE 1,650 gallons, 3 compart ments. Tandem axle tank truck. 3 pumps, 2 meters. Phone 3-1771. 1954 4-ton pickup, perfect condi tion.

Radio and beater. $1,300. Seen at Chimp Farms, Oanla. 103-A Troilers CHARLIE STAGG New and Used Trailers Sales, Storage, Repairs 20156 West Dixie Hwy, 1 snfle South ef Golfstream just off U.S. WILL TAKE trailer in exchange for $2,000 equity in 1954 36 ft.

2 bedroom trailer, awning, or will sell. William Tamasy, Floridale Trailer Park, 2807 SW 15th Ave, City. SAVE $2,0001952 36 ft. one bedroom all modern Travelo trailer with 20x8 cabana. Like new.

Original owner. Lived In 1 year, months. UNEEE hitch and all accessories, $3,450. See Mr. Bond.

Berg's Trailer Court, Route 84. ALUMINUM Trailer Awnings and trailer steps. Factory to you prices. Aluminum, Oakland Park, Phone LO 4-1536. 3-DAY special, 1951 25-ft.

alum- lnum trailer. Bath, new cabana with aluminum roof and furnishings. $1,800 O.S. Shores, Trailer Haven. MOBILE HOME INSURANCE $1.45 Per Hundred FuS Coverage, No Deductions Phone Hollywood 2-8460 Collect R.

A. Raymond Insurance Agency 54 MAGNOLIA 37" 1 bedroom. Modern 0'x21" screen cabana. Furnished. Lyell Sunset Colony.

1954 LffiERTY'S Also used ones. All priced low account models soon arriving. Terms up to 5 years. 5. A few especially good bargains with and without bathrooms.

Buy now and savel Hine Trailer (20 8 Federal Danla. 27'. SLEEPS 4 Gas range. Large refrigerator. Hot water heater.

Twin sink. Nelson dolly. Tandem wheels. $700. Charles Jenkins.

Cypress River Colony, Fed. Hwy, Pompano. HOUSE TRAILER and cabana. partially furnished, $300 total. Mrs.

L. Hartman, 1100 NE 7th Ave. FOR SALE Utility trailer, 4x8 with 3 ft. side racks, spare wheel and cover, $95. Tropic Motel, 2975 Federal Hwy.

FOR SALE Utility trailer tandem wheels. 64x12 with 4 ft. side racks. New tarp covers and "pare wheel, $295. Tropic Motel, 207a Federal Hwy.

HOUSE TRAILER Insurance. Fire-theft-hurrlcane, etc. $1.50 per hundred. No deductible. Fatton Insurance Agency.

Phone 3-6404. ABC TRAILER SALeT" Big selection of New and Used Trailers. Priced to sell. ABC TRAILER SALES 1000 Road 84, Ft. Lauderdale Phone JA 3-3511 BOTTLED gas, hitches, springs, repairing and Installation.

Palm Gas and Trailer Supplies, $90 Road 84. Phone JA 4-1108. If You Wantto Reach The Buying Public Of Broward County Use DAILY NEWS WANT ADS 89-H Pompano VALUE 4 Nice new 2-bedroom, 1-bath home. This Is an exceptional value located tn heart of town. E.

Z. Terms Only $8,090. New Beautiful large 3-bedroom, 2- bath home centrally located. Builder really wants to sell so has priced it right at only $13,500. Sensible Terms.

R. W. Fieehtner, Ber. Broker 311 NE First St Phone 7873 'Pompano Beach, Fla, 90 Groves, Acreage, Farms 240 ACRES In town of Deerfield Beach, with over 2,000 feet ol U.S. Hwy.

1 frontage, and 650 feet of Intracoastal Waterway frontage. County road runs from 0.8. 1 east through center of acreage. South of The Cove. This is Ideal waterway development site.

Call Webb Painter, Realtor, 718 E. Las Ola Blvd. 3-1721; evenings 2-6974. 2 TO 3 ACRES, to share crop. Call at 214 BE 6th Court Sundays or after p.m.

weekdays. 2-BEDROOM CBS bouse, 2 acres, $6,500. $1,500 down; $50 fnnnthlv Rnv Mnorhead. Realtor. O.

K. Wlnton. Davie. Ph. JA 3-0927 or JA 3-7014.

85 ACRES High and dry, $1,650 an acre. Ph. Staley Realty, Laura Jones, Agent, 3-3113. foftWWWWWWWaWA 91 Real Estate Wanted WANTED to buy or rent, i to 10 acres. Flowers and farming.

Walter Schneider, 1300 State Rd. 84. WWWWsVWVWWWWA 92 Water and Ocean Frontage OCEAN FRONTAGE FOR SALE OR LEASE Choice apartment or hotel site; 100 to 300 oceanfront lots with good depth. Call for appointment to inspect. L.

C. JTJDD CO. Bahia Mar Office JA 2-7766 2936 East Las Olas JA 3-6461 ATTENTION oceanfront investors 376' oceanfront, over 1000 deep. Both sides of A1A Hl-way. Road to River.

Wide sandy beach, high ridge. Price $30,000, terms. Also 800 oceanfront and one 100" front available. (Specializing In ocean-frontage) see Helen Grace, Coast Line Realty, Boynton Beach, U.S. No.

1, next to Bank. OCEAN FRONT Near luxurious new hotel. This Is sleeper; 225-ft. frontage and 400 feet deep: (50,000 total price. This Is excellent speculation.

Call SUN REALTY, Phone LO 4-2335. 1411 Federal nights LO 4-2042. OCEAHFROHT HOME Charming Provincial 3-level CBS home, built 1952, on 100 tract fronting Rd. A1A running more than 400 to ocean. High elevation, panoramic views.

Ideal beach home for couple or small family, 2 Bedrooms. 3 Baths, Maid's Room and Bath, Living-dining Room, Electric Kitchen. Expandablethere are 2 "roughed-ln rooms and deed provisions permit additional building. Ample space ior Guest houses. Cabana, Pool, etc.

Private beaifh, riparian rights. Low taxes. $75,000. Furnished. Photos, details available.

Owner, Rt. 1 Box 320 Delray Beach. Phone 94 Real Estate Exchange 1954 CADILLAC coupe, exchange tor down payment duplex or apartment, suitable year around rentals. Phone 2-2660. WILL TRADE NORTH BEACH HOME Furnished 2-bedroom 2-bath home tn I exchange for or S-unit apartment in Birch or Lauderdale-by-tbe-Sea.

Call Mr. Collier, LAUDERDALE REALTY 3120 East Sunrise Blvd. "At the Ocean" Phone LO 4-3231 II See These NOV VEA CHEVROLET ifU Convertible Powerglide, radio, ICI FORD VLi Ranch Wagon Wagon paint tires. Air 900 miles. Fordomatic.

radio, '59 '59 WILLYS Station New CHEVROLET 2-Door Bel Only driven FORD 2-Door WWVWWWWSWWVWwNr 85 Apts. and Hotels 85 Apts. and Hotels For Sale For Sale 98 Automobiles For Hire A Short Walk to the Ocean OPEN 1 TO 5 2735 S. E. FIRST TERRACE See this new duplex located la FempaM Beaeh Estates.

Bedrooms, baths ea each side. Close to Inland Waterway, steer banks and shopping center. Badio controlled sausie in every room. A home and Income. Excellent mortgage available.

Located ane block sooth of Atlantis Blvd. in Pompsno. Mr. Jack-man yeor host Telephone information 4-2056. H.

F. JENNE, Realtor U-DRIVE-IT LOW RATES NEW CARS TAXI WHITE TOP CAB CO. CALL 2-7455 STEPHENS MOTORS Comer Broward Blvd. and Federal Highway OPEN EVENINGS 810 E. Broward Blvd..

Fort Lauderdale News from Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.